- modify git-47-04210f8df15da0ba4d741cfe1693af06f5978a1d.patch
  to also fix the typo to set JAVA_BINDIR in the csh variant
  of the alljava profile script (bsc#1221361)

- modify git-47-04210f8df15da0ba4d741cfe1693af06f5978a1d.patch
  drop the stderr redirection for csh (bsc#1221361)
- add git-49-3f8f26123d91f70c644677a323134fc79318c818.patch
  drop sysctl.d/50-default-s390.conf (bsc#1211721)
- add aaa_base-preinstall.patch
  make sure the script does not exit with 1 if a file
  with content is found (bsc#1222547)

- add patch git-48-477bc3c05fcdabf9319e84278a1cba2c12c9ed5a.patch
  home and end button not working from ssh client (bsc#1221407)
- use autosetup in prep stage of specfile

- silence the output in the case of broken symlinks (bsc#1218232)
- Update to 1.16.1:
  * New features:
    + Add Maven property for build
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + CODEC-295: Test clean ups
    + CODEC-295: Correct error in Base64 Javadoc
    + CODEC-295: Add minimum Java version in changes.xml
    + CODEC-310: Documentation update for the
    org.apache.commons.codec.digest.* package
    + Precompile regular expression in UnixCrypt.crypt(byte[],
    + CODEC-315: Fix possible IndexOutOfBoundException in
    PhoneticEngine.encode method
    + CODEC-313: Fix possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
    QuotedPrintableCodec.encodeQuotedPrintable() method
    + CODEC-312: Fix possible StringIndexOutOfBoundException in
    MatchRatingApproachEncoder.encode() method
    + CODEC-311: Fix possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException in
    + CODEC-314: Fix possible IndexOutOfBoundsException in
    PercentCodec.insertAlwaysEncodeChars() method
    + Deprecate UnixCrypt 0-argument constructor
    + Deprecate Md5Crypt 0-argument constructor
    + Deprecate Crypt 0-argument constructor
    + Deprecate StringUtils 0-argument constructor
    + Deprecate Resources 0-argument constructor
    + Deprecate Charsets 0-argument constructor
    + Deprecate CharEncoding 0-argument constructor

- Update to 1.16.0:
  * Minor improvements #67. Fixes CODEC-295.
  * Remove duplicated words from Javadocs.
  * Simplify assertion #84. Fixes CODEC-301.
  * Simplify assertion #84. Fixes CODEC-300.
  * Use Standard Charset object #82. Fixes CODEC-298.
  * Use String.contains() functions #125.
  * Avoid use toString() or substring() in favor of a simplified expression #126.
  * Fix byte-skipping in Base16 decoding #135. Fixes CODEC-305.
  * Fix several typos, improve writing in some javadocs #139.
  * BaseNCodecOutputStream.eof() should not throw IOException.
  * Javadoc improvements and cleanups.
  * Deprecate BaseNCodec.isWhiteSpace(byte) and use Character.isWhitespace(int).
  * Add support for Blake3 family of hashes. Fixes CODEC-296.
  * Add github/codeql-action.
  * Bump actions/cache from v2 to v3.0.10 #75, #99, #119, #138, #149, #152.
  * Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.1 to 3.5.1 #60, #62, #121.
  * Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.2 to 3.1.0 #65, #98, #114, #153.
  * Bump commons-parent from 52 to 58, #147, #165, #170.
  * Bump junit from 4.13.1 to 5.9.1 #76, #39, #140, #148. Fixes CODEC-285.
  * Bump Java 7 to 8.
  * Bump japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.14.3 to 0.17.1.
  * Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.5 to 0.8.8 (Fixes Java 15 builds).
  * Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M7 #122, #134.
  * Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.4.1.
  * Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.19 to 1.22.
  * Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.13.0 to 3.19.0, #133, #142, #145.
  * Bump pmd from 6.47.0 to 6.52.0.
  * Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 2.17 to 3.2.0 #143.
  * Bump checkstyle from 8.45.1 to 9.3 #97, #100, #101, #103.
  * Bump taglist-maven-plugin from 2.4 to 3.0.0 #102.
  * Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.7 to 0.8.8.
- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.

- Upgrade to 1.26
  * Fixing several vulnerabilities
    + bsc#1220068, CVE-2024-26308
    + bsc#1220070, CVE-2024-25710
  * New Features
    + Add and use ZipFile.builder(), ZipFile.Builder, and deprecate
    + Add and use SevenZFile.builder(), SevenZFile.Builder, and
    deprecate constructors
    + Add and use ArchiveInputStream.getCharset()
    + Add and use ArchiveEntry.resolveIn(Path)
    + Add Maven property for build
  * Fixed Bugs
    + COMPRESS-632: Check for invalid PAX values in TarArchiveEntry
    + COMPRESS-632: Fix for zero size headers in ArjInputStream
    + COMPRESS-632: Fixes and tests for ArInputStream
    + COMPRESS-632: Fixes for dump file parsing
    + COMPRESS-632: Improve CPIO exception detection and handling
    + Deprecate SkipShieldingInputStream without replacement (no
    longer used)
    + Reuse commons-codec, don't duplicate class PureJavaCrc32C
    (removed package-private class)
    + Reuse commons-codec, don't duplicate class XXHash32
    (deprecated class)
    + Reuse commons-io, don't duplicate class Charsets (deprecated
    + Reuse commons-io, don't duplicate class IOUtils (deprecated
    + Reuse commons-io, don't duplicate class BoundedInputStream
    (deprecated class)
    + Reuse commons-io, don't duplicate class FileTimes (deprecated
    TimeUtils methods)
    + Reuse Arrays.equals(byte[], byte[]) and deprecate
    ArchiveUtils.isEqual(byte[], byte[])
    + Add a null-check for the class loader of OsgiUtils
    + Add a null-check in Pack200.newInstance(String, String)
    + Deprecate ChecksumCalculatingInputStream in favor of
    + Deprecate CRC32VerifyingInputStream
    .CRC32VerifyingInputStream(InputStream, long, int)
    + COMPRESS-655: FramedSnappyCompressorOutputStream produces
    incorrect output when writing a large buffer
    + COMPRESS-657: Fix TAR directory entries being misinterpreted
    as files
    + Deprecate unused method FileNameUtils.getBaseName(String)
    + Deprecate unused method FileNameUtils.getExtension(String)
    + incorrectly adds
    1 for EOF to the bytes read count
    + Deprecate, byte[])
    + Deprecate IOUtils.copyRange(InputStream, long, OutputStream,
    + COMPRESS-653: ZipArchiveOutputStream multi archive updates
    metadata in incorrect file
    + Deprecate ByteUtils.InputStreamByteSupplier
    + Deprecate ByteUtils.fromLittleEndian(InputStream, int)
    + Deprecate ByteUtils.toLittleEndian(DataOutput, long, int)
    + Reduce duplication by having ArchiveInputStream extend
    + Support preamble garbage in ZipArchiveInputStream
    + COMPRESS-658: Fix formatting the lowest expressable DOS time
    + Drop reflection from ExtraFieldUtils static initialization
    + Preserve exception causation in
- Upgrade to 1.25.0
  * New features:
    + Add GzipParameters.getFileName() and deprecate getFilename()
    + Add GzipParameters.setFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add FileNameUtil.getCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add FileNameUtil.getUncompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add FileNameUtil.isCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add BZip2Utils.getCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add BZip2Utils.getUncompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add BZip2Utils.isCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add LZMAUtils.getCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add LZMAUtils.getUncompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add LZMAUtils.isCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add XYUtils.getCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add XYUtils.getUncompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add XYUtils.isCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add GzipUtils.getCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add GzipUtils.getUncompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add GzipUtils.isCompressedFileName(String) and deprecate
    + Add SevenZOutputFile.putArchiveEntry(SevenZArchiveEntry) and
    deprecate putArchiveEntry(ArchiveEntry)
    + Add generics to ChangeSet and ChangeSetPerformer
    + Add generics to ArchiveStreamProvider and friends
    + Add a generic type parameter to ArchiveOutputStream and avoid
    unchecked/unconfirmed type casts in subclasses
    + Add a generic type parameter to ArchiveInputStream and
    deprecate redundant get methods in subclasses
    + COMPRESS-648: Add ability to restrict autodetection in
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + Precompile regular expression in
    + Precompile regular expression in
    + Precompile regular expression in
    + Precompile regular expression in
    + COMPRESS-649: Improve performance in
    + Null-guard Lister.main(String[]) for programmatic invocation
    + NPE in pack200.NewAttributeBands.Reference
    .addAttributeToBand(NewAttribute, InputStream)
    + Incorrect lazy initialization and update of static field in
    pack200.CodecEncoding.getSpecifier(Codec, Codec)
    + Incorrect string comparison in unpack200.AttributeLayout
    + Inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet
    iterator in pack200.PackingOptions
    .addOrUpdateAttributeActions(List, Map, int)
    + Package private class pack200.IcBands.IcTuple should be a
    static inner class
    + Private class ZipFile.BoundedFileChannelInputStream should be
    a static inner class
    + Refactor internal SevenZ AES256SHA256Decoder InputStream into
    a named static inner class
    + Refactor internal SevenZ AES256SHA256Decoder OutputStream into
    a named static inner class
    + Use the root Locale for string conversion of command line
    options in org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.CLI
    + Calling PackingUtils.config(PackingOptions) with null now
    closes the internal FileHandler
    + COMPRESS-650: LZ4 compressor throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    + COMPRESS-632: LZWInputStream.initializeTables(int) should
    throw IllegalArgumentException instead of
    + COMPRESS-647: Throw IOException instead of
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when reading Zip with data
    descriptor entries
- Update to 1.24.0
  * New features:
    + Make ZipArchiveEntry.getLocalHeaderOffset() public
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + Use try-with-resources in ArchiveStreamFactory
    + Javadoc and code comments: Sanitize grammar issues and typos
    + Remove redundant (null) initializations
    + [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions
- Update to 1.23.0
  * New features:
    + COMPRESS-614: Use FileTime for time fields in
    + COMPRESS-621: Fix calculation the offset of the first ZIP
    central directory entry
    + COMPRESS-633:Add encryption support for SevenZ
    + COMPRESS-613: Support for extra time data in Zip archives
    + COMPRESS-621: Add
    .DefaultBackingStoreSupplier to write to a custom folder
    instead of the default temporary folder.
    + COMPRESS-600: Add capability to configure Deflater strategy
    in GzipCompressorOutputStream:
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + Implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment
    + Avoid NPE in FileNameUtils.getBaseName(Path) for paths with
    zero elements like root paths
    + Avoid NPE in FileNameUtils.getExtension(Path) for paths with
    zero elements like root paths
    + LZMA2Decoder.decode() looses original exception
    + Extract conditions and avoid duplicate code.
    + Remove duplicate conditions. Use switch instead.
    + Replace JUnit 3 and 4 with JUnit 5
    + Make 'ZipFile.offsetComparator' static
    + COMPRESS-638: The GzipCompressorOutputStream#writeHeader()
    uses ISO_8859_1 to write the file name and comment. If the
    strings contains non-ISO_8859_1 characters, unknown characters
    are displayed after decompression. Use percent encoding for
    non ISO_8859_1 characters.
    + Port some code from IO to NIO APIs
    + pack200: Fix FileBands misusing InputStream#read(byte[])
    + COMPRESS-641: Add TarArchiveEntry.getLinkFlag()
    + COMPRESS-642: Integer overflow ArithmeticException in
    + COMPRESS-642:
    .ZipFile.finalize() should not write to std err.
  * Removed:
    + Remove BZip2CompressorOutputStream.finalize() which only wrote
    to std err
- Update to 1.22
  * New features:
    + COMPRESS-602: Migrate zip package to use NIO
    + Add APK file extension constants: ArchiveStreamFactory.APK,
    + ArchiveStreamFactory.createArchiveInputStream(String,
    InputStream, String) supports the "APK" format (it's a JAR)
    + Expander example now has NIO Path versions of IO File APIs
    + COMPRESS-612: Improve TAR support for file times
    + Add SevenZArchiveEntry.setContentMethods(SevenZMethodConfiguration...)
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + Fix some compiler warnings in pack200 packages
    + Close File input stream after unpacking in
    Pack200UnpackerAdapter.unpack(File, JarOutputStream)
    + Pack200UnpackerAdapter.unpack(InputStream, JarOutputStream)
    should not close its given input stream
    + COMPRESS-596: Fix minor problem in examples.
    + COMPRESS-584: Add a limit to the copy buffer in
    IOUtils.readRange() to avoid reading more from a channel than
    asked for
    + Documentation nits
    + Replace wrapper Collections.sort is with an instance method
    + Replace manual comparisons with Comparator.comparingInt()
    + Replace manual copy of array contents with System.arraycopy()
    + Fix thread safety issues when encoding 7z password
    + bzip2: calculate median-of-3 on unsigned values
    + Use Math.min and Math.max calculations.
    + COMPRESS-603: Expander should be able to work if an entry's
    name is "./".
    + COMPRESS-604: Ensure compatibility with Java 8
    + Use StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer.
    + Inline variable. Remove redundant local variable.
    + Use compare method
    + Remove Unnecessary interface modifiers
    + Avoid use C-style array declaration.
    + does not always validate
    checksum at end-of-stream
    + Fix TarFileTest
    + COMPRESS-625: Update Wikipedia link in
    + COMPRESS-626: OutOfMemoryError on malformed pack200 input
    + COMPRESS-628: OutOfMemoryError on malformed pack200 input
    + COMPRESS-628: OutOfMemoryError on malformed unpack200 input
    + Some input streams are not closed in org.apache.commons
    + COMPRESS-627: Pack200 causes a 'archive.3E' error if it's not
    in the system class loader.
- Modified patches:
  * 0001-Remove-Brotli-compressor.patch
  * 0002-Remove-ZSTD-compressor.patch
  * 0003-Remove-Pack200-compressor.patch
    + rediff to changed context
- Removed patch:
  * fix_java_8_compatibility.patch
    + not needed, since we handle the compatibility differently
- Upgrade to 2.15.1
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + Fix wrong issue id in change log
    + Add test for FileChannels.contentEquals()
    + Fix FileChannels.contentEquals()
    + Fix some Javadoc issues in LineIterator and IOUtils
    + Simplify FileAlterationObserver internal processing
    + Avoid NullPointerException in RegexFileFilter
    + Avoid NullPointerException in RegexFileFilter
    .accept(Path, BasicFileAttributes)
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Class
    .RegexFileFilter defines non-transient non-serializable
    instance field pathToString [
    .RegexFileFilter] In SE_BAD_FIELD
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Class
    .DelegateFileFilter defines non-transient non-serializable
    instance field fileFilter [
    .DelegateFileFilter] In SE_BAD_FIELD
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Class
    .DelegateFileFilter defines non-transient non-serializable
    instance field fileNameFilter [
    .filefilter.DelegateFileFilter] In
    + Fix SpotBugs error:$1
    .next() cannot throw NoSuchElementException [org.apache$1] At[line 98]
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .FileAlterationMonitor.getObservers() may expose internal
    representation by returning FileAlterationMonitor.observers
    [] At[line 124] EI_EXPOSE_REP
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Class
    .FileAlterationObserver defines non-transient non-serializable
    instance field fileFilter [
    .FileAlterationObserver] In
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Class
    .FileAlterationObserver defines non-transient non-serializable
    instance field listeners [
    .FileAlterationObserver] In
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .getDeleteFailures() may expose internal representation by
    returning FileCleaningTracker.deleteFailures [org.apache] At[line 218] EI_EXPOSE_REP
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .getCauseList() may expose internal representation by
    returning IOExceptionList.causeList [
    .IOExceptionList] At[line 118]
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .getCauseList(Class) may expose internal representation by
    returning IOExceptionList.causeList [
    .IOExceptionList] At[line 129]
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .AccumulatorPathVisitor.getDirList() may expose internal
    representation by returning AccumulatorPathVisitor.dirList
    [] At[line 179] EI_EXPOSE_REP
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .AccumulatorPathVisitor.getFileList() may expose internal
    representation by returning AccumulatorPathVisitor.fileList
    [] At[line 188] EI_EXPOSE_REP
    + Fix SpotBugs error:
    .ObservableInputStream.getObservers() may expose internal
    representation by returning ObservableInputStream.observers
    [] At[line 187] EI_EXPOSE_REP
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Exception thrown in class org.apache at new
    .UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream(byte[], int) will leave
    the constructor. The object under construction remains
    partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer
    attacks. [
    .input.UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream] At[line 202]
    + Fix SpotBugs error: Exception thrown in class org.apache at new
    .UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream(byte[], int, int) will
    leave the constructor. The object under construction remains
    partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer
    attacks. [
    .input.UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream] At[line 223]
- Upgrade to 2.15.0
  * New features:
    + Add
    + Add RandomAccessFiles#contentEquals(RandomAccessFile,
    + Add RandomAccessFiles#reset(RandomAccessFile)
    + Add PathUtilsContentEqualsBenchmark
    + Add
    + Add MessageDigestInputStream and deprecate
  * Fixed Bugs:
    + IO-815: XmlStreamReader encoding match RE is too strict
    + IO-810: Javadoc in FileUtils does not reflect code for thrown
    + IO-812: Javadoc should mention closing Streams based on file
    + IO-811: In tests, Files.walk() direct and indirect callers
    fail to close the returned Stream
    + IO-811: FileUtils.listFiles(File, String[], boolean) fails to
    close its internal Stream
    + IO-811: FileUtils.iterateFiles(File, String[], boolean) fails
    to close its internal Stream
    + IO-811: StreamIterator fails to close its internal Stream
    + IO-814: Don't throw UncheckedIOException
    + IO-414: Don't write a BOM on every (or any) line
    + IO-814: RandomAccessFileMode.create(Path) provides a better
    NullPointerException message
    + Improve performance of PathUtils.fileContentEquals(Path, Path,
    LinkOption[], OpenOption[]) by about 60%, see
    + Improve performance of PathUtils.fileContentEquals(Path, Path)
    by about 60%, see PathUtilsContentEqualsBenchmark
    + Improve performance of FileUtils.contentEquals(File, File) by
    about 60%, see PathUtilsContentEqualsBenchmark
    + Remove unused test code
    + [Javadoc] IOUtils#contentEquals does not throw
    + Fix CodeQL warnings in UnsynchronizedBufferedInputStream:
    Implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment
    + MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream
    .MessageDigestMaintainingObserver(MessageDigest) now throws a
    NullPointerException if the MessageDigest is null
    + MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream
    MessageDigest) now throws a NullPointerException if the
    MessageDigest is null
    + IO-816:[], int,
    int) does not use buffer

- Build with source and target levels 8

- Update to 2.14.0:
  * Lots of new features, fixes and updates.
- security update
- added patches
  fix CVE-2023-38709 [bsc#1222330], HTTP response splitting
  + apache2-CVE-2023-38709.patch
  fix CVE-2024-24795 [bsc#1222332], HTTP Response Splitting in multiple modules
  + apache2-CVE-2024-24795.patch
  fix CVE-2024-27316 [bsc#1221401], HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames can be utilized for DoS attacks
  + apache2-CVE-2024-27316.patch
- Fix plugin termination when using systemd service units (bsc#1215377)
  * add auditd.service-fix-plugin-termination.patch
- autofs-5.1.8-dont-use-initgroups-at-spawn.patch
  Don't use initgroups at spawn (bsc#1214710, bsc#1221181)
- Update to version 2+git20240416.98ae794 (bsc#1221184):
  * Use flock to serialize calls (boo#1188500)
  * Make container friendly
  * Create /var/lib/ca-certificates if needed
- Update to catatonit v0.2.0.
  * Change license to GPL-2.0-or-later.
- Remove upstreamed patches:
  - 99bb9048f.patch
- Add cloud-init-no-nmcfg-needed.patch (bsc#1221726)
  + Do not require a NetworkManager config file in order to detect
    NetworkManager as the renderer

- Add cloud-init-no-openstack-guess.patch (bsc#1222113)
  + Do not guess if we are running on OpenStack or not. Only recognize
    the known markers and enable cloud-init if we know for sure.

- Add  cloud-init-ds-deterministic.patch (bsc#1221132)
  + Do not guess a data source when checking for a CloudStack

- Hardcode distribution to suse for proper cloud.cfg generation

- Prepare for RPM 4.20 switch patch syntax

- Add cloud-init-skip-empty-conf.patch
  + Skip tests with empty config

- Add cloud-init-pckg-reboot.patch (boo#1198533, bsc#1218952,  jsc#SMO-326)
  + Support reboot on package update/upgrade via the cloud-init config

- Switch build dependency to the generic distribution-release package
- Update to version 1.14
  + Use '-s' instead of '--no-progress-meter' for curl (bsc#1221757)

- Add version settings to Provides/Obsoletes

- Update to version 1.12 (bsc#1221202)
  + If token access succeeds using IPv4 do not use the IPv6 endpoint
    only use the IPv6 IMDS endpoint if IPv4 access fails.

- Add Provides/Obsoletes for dropped cloud-netconfig-nm
- Install dispatcher script into /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
  on older distributions
- Add BuildReqires: NetworkManager to avoid owning dispatcher.d
  parent directory

- Update to version 1.11:
  + Revert address metadata lookup in GCE to local lookup (bsc#1219454)
  + Fix hang on warning log messages
  + Check whether getting IPv4 addresses from metadata failed and abort
    if true
  + Only delete policy rules if they exist
  + Skip adding/removing IPv4 ranges if metdata lookup failed
  + Improve error handling and logging in Azure
  + Set SCRIPTDIR when installing netconfig wrapper
- Update to version 10.1.7 (bsc#1220164, bsc#1220165)
  + Fix the failover path to a new target update server. At present a new
    server is not found since credential validation fails. We targeted
    the server detected in down condition to verify the credentials instead
    of the replacement server.
- Provide option to use pre-built GRUB bootloader

- Prevent parallel executions of cobbler sync actions (bsc#1218764)
- ls: avoid triggering automounts (bsc#1221632)
  - add coreutils-ls-avoid-triggering-automounts.patch

- tail: fix tailing sysfs files where PAGE_SIZE > BUFSIZ (bsc#1219321)
  - add coreutils-tail-fix-tailing-sysfs-files-where-PAGE_SIZE-BUFSIZ.patch
- Add gcc7-pr88345-min-func-alignment.diff to add support for
  - fmin-function-alignment.  [bsc#1214934]

- Use %{_target_cpu} to determine host and build.
- Update to version 0.10.0:
  * Add free trial feature
- Remove '--enable-debug-printfs' from configure options, see
- Security fix: [bsc#1221665, CVE-2024-2004]
  * Usage of disabled protocol
  * Add curl-CVE-2024-2004.patch

- Security fix: [bsc#1221667, CVE-2024-2398]
  * curl: HTTP/2 push headers memory-leak
  * Add curl-CVE-2024-2398.patch
- Add patch to fix bsc#1220339
  * 0007-daemon-overlay2-remove-world-writable-permission-fro.patch
- rebase patches:
  * 0001-SECRETS-daemon-allow-directory-creation-in-run-secre.patch
  * 0002-SECRETS-SUSE-implement-SUSE-container-secrets.patch
  * 0003-BUILD-SLE12-revert-graphdriver-btrfs-use-kernel-UAPI.patch
  * 0004-bsc1073877-apparmor-clobber-docker-default-profile-o.patch
  * 0005-SLE12-revert-apparmor-remove-version-conditionals-fr.patch
  * 0006-Vendor-in-latest-buildkit-v0.11-branch-including-CVE.patch

- Allow to disable apparmor support (ALP supports only SELinux)
- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.

- The license is actually Plexus

- JPMS: Add the Automatic-Module-Name attribute to the manifest.

- Make a separate flavour for a minimal dom4j-bootstrap package
  used to build jaxen and full dom4j
- Added patch:
  * 0001-no-jaxen-dom4.patch
  * for the bootstrap package, patch out the code that requires
    jaxen with dom4j support to build

- Upgrade to upstream version 2.1.4
  * Improvements and potentially breaking changes
    + Added new factory method It has more secure
    defaults than new SAXReader(), which uses system
    XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader() or
    + If you use some optional dependency of dom4j (for example
    Jaxen, xsdlib etc.), you need to specify an explicit
    dependency on it in your project. They are no longer marked as
    a mandatory transitive dependency by dom4j.
    + Following SAX parser features are disabled by default in
    DocumentHelper.parse() for security reasons (they were enabled
    in previous versions):
  * Other changes:
    + updated pull-parser version
    + Reuse the writeAttribute method in writeAttributes
    + support build on OS with non-UTF8 as default charset
    + Gradle: add an automatic module name
    + Use Correct License Name "Plexus"
    + Possible vulnerability of DocumentHelper.parseText() to XML
    + CVS directories left in the source tree
    + XMLWriter does not escape supplementary unicode characters
    + writer.writeOpen(x) doesn't write namespaces
    + concurrency problem with QNameCache
    + all dependencies are optional
    + SAXReader: hardcoded namespace features
    + validate QNames
    + StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in
    + TreeNode has grown some generics
    + QName serialization fix
    + DocumentException initialize with nested exception
    + Accidentally occurring error in a multi-threaded test
    + compatibility with W3C DOM Level 3
    + use Java generics
- Removed patches:
  * dom4j-1.6.1-bug1618750.patch
  * dom4j-CVE-2018-1000632.patch
  * dom4j-CVE-2020-10683.patch
  * dom4j-enable-stax-datatypes.patch
  * dom4j-javadoc.patch
  * dom4j-sourcetarget.patch
    + not needed with this version

- Do not depend on jtidy, since it is not used during build
- Add dwz-0.12-clean-up-temporary-file-in-hardlink-mode.patch to
  cleanup left-over temporary file (swo#24275, bsc#1221634).
- Replace "%doc COPYING" with "%license COPYING".
EA Inode handling fixes:
- ext2fs-avoid-re-reading-inode-multiple-times.patch: ext2fs: avoid re-reading
  inode multiple times (bsc#1223596)
- e2fsck-fix-potential-out-of-bounds-read-in-inc_ea_in.patch: e2fsck: fix
  potential out-of-bounds read in inc_ea_inode_refs() (bsc#1223596)
- e2fsck-add-more-checks-for-ea-inode-consistency.patch: e2fsck: add more
  checks for ea inode consistency (bsc#1223596)
- e2fsck-fix-golden-output-of-several-tests.patch: e2fsck: fix golden output of
  several tests (bsc#1223596)
- Do not use sqlite, as this pulls sqlite into Ring0 at no real
  benefit performance wise: the cache is not reused between runs.
  + Drop sqlite-devel BuildRequires
  + Pass --without-sqlite to configure

- Update to 2.3.0:
  * Add --cache option to speed up file comparisons.
  * Use nanosecond precision for file times, if available.
  * Fix compilation issue on OpenBSD.
  * Other changes like fixing typos, wording, etc.

- update to 2.2.1:
  * Fix bug in code meant to skip over the current log file when --log option is given.
  * Updates to copyright notices in source code.
  * Add --deferconfirmation option.
  * Check that files marked as duplicates haven't changed during program execution before deleting them.
  * Update documentation to indicate units for SIZE in command-line options.
  * Move some configuration settings to file.

- Fixes for the new wrapper:
  * Order duplicates by name, to get a reproducible file set
  * Remove redundant order parameter from fdupes invocation.
  * Modernize code, significantly reduce allocations.
  * Exit immediately when mandatory parameters are missing.
  * Remove obsolete buildroot parameter
  * Add some tests for the wrapper

- A more correct approach to creating symlinks (old bug actually):
  Do not link the files as given by fdupes, but turn them into
  relative links (it works by chance if given a buildroot, but
  fails if running on a subdirectory)
- Support multiple directories given (as glob to the macro)

- Handle symlinks (-s argument) correctly

- Simplify macros.fdupes with a call to a C++ program that does
  the same within a fraction of a second what the shell loop did
  in many seconds (bsc#1195709)
- L3: fence_vmware_rest : monitoring is not detecting problems accessing the fence device
  o Add upstream patch:
- Add patches to fix CVE-2024-34397 (boo#1224044):
  glib2-CVE-2024-34397.patch (glgo#GNOME/glib#3268).
  glib2-fix-ibus-regression.patch (glgo#GNOME/glib#3353)
- nscd-netgroup-cache-timeout.patch: Use time_t for return type of
  addgetnetgrentX (CVE-2024-33602, bsc#1223425)

- ulp-prologue-into-asm-functions.patch: Avoid creating ULP prologue
  for _start routine (bsc#1221940)

- glibc-CVE-2024-33599-nscd-Stack-based-buffer-overflow-in-n.patch:
  nscd: Stack-based buffer overflow in netgroup cache
  (CVE-2024-33599, bsc#1223423, BZ #31677)
- glibc-CVE-2024-33600-nscd-Avoid-null-pointer-crashes-after.patch:
  nscd: Avoid null pointer crashes after notfound response
  (CVE-2024-33600, bsc#1223424, BZ #31678)
- glibc-CVE-2024-33600-nscd-Do-not-send-missing-not-found-re.patch:
  nscd: Do not send missing not-found response in addgetnetgrentX
  (CVE-2024-33600, bsc#1223424, BZ #31678)
- glibc-CVE-2024-33601-CVE-2024-33602-nscd-netgroup-Use-two.patch:
  netgroup: Use two buffers in addgetnetgrentX (CVE-2024-33601,
  CVE-2024-33602, bsc#1223425, BZ #31680)

- iconv-iso-2022-cn-ext.patch: iconv: ISO-2022-CN-EXT: fix out-of-bound
  writes when writing escape sequence (CVE-2024-2961, bsc#1222992)

- duplocale-global-locale.patch: duplocale: protect use of global locale
  (bsc#1220441, BZ #23970)

- qsort-invalid-cmp.patch: qsort: handle degenerated compare function

- getaddrinfo-eai-memory.patch: getaddrinfo: translate ENOMEM to
  EAI_MEMORY (bsc#1217589, BZ #31163)

- aarch64-rawmemchr-unwind.patch: aarch64: correct CFI in rawmemchr
  (bsc#1217445, BZ #31113)
- Clean the spec file and simplify it a bit

- Upgrade to guava 32.0.1
  * Security fixes:
    + Reimplemented Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream
    to further address CVE-2020-8908 (#4011, bsc#1179926) and
    CVE-2023-2976 (#2575, bsc#1212401)
  * Fixes:
    + io: Fixed Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream under
    Windows, which broke as part of the security fix in release
    + Removed @Beta from almost all APIs. Most of the remaining
    @Beta APIs are in graph and hash.
    + Enhanced the Guava jar to include Proguard configurations that
    are picked up automatically by the Android Gradle Plugin. This
    should help with warnings that were promoted to errors in
    Android Gradle Plugin 8.x.
    + Enhanced the Guava jar to include information about method
    parameters in its class files. If you use static analyzers
    that look at method-parameter names, you may see new warnings
    or errors if they are now able to detect mismatches. But
    mostly, you may see better tooltips and autocompletion in
    + Improved nullness annotations on a few classes.
    + Modified classes with "serial proxies" to declare
    exception-throwing readObject methods, in accordance with best
    + collect: Fixed Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize to stop
    allocating maps that were larger than they needed to be.
    + collect: Made various APIs work J2CL:
    Maps.immutableEnumMap+toImmutableEnumMap, EnumMultiset,
    CollectorTester. Previously, the APIs were present but failed
    at runtime.
    + collect: Optimized memory usage for Interner and MapMaker.
    + graph: Changed directed graphs to reject attempts to add
    undirected edges.
    + io: Added BaseEncoding.ignoreCase() to support
    case-insensitive decoding.
    + net: Added HttpHeaders constants:
    ~ No-Vary-Search
    ~ Sec-CH-DPR
    ~ Sec-CH-UA-Wow64
    ~ Sec-CH-Viewport-Width and Sec-CH-Viewport-Height
    ~ Supports-Loading-Mode
    + net: Added the MediaType constant for JWT.
    + primitives: Added rotate() for arrays of all primitive types.
    + util.concurrent: Changed AbstractFuture to run
    interruptTask() just before afterDone(). Until this change, it
    ran slightly earlier than that: We used to run it before
    unblocking any pending get() calls, and now we run it after.
    + util.concurrent: Fixed some cases in which we could catch
    InterruptedException but fail to restore the interrupt bit.

- Upgrade to guava 31.1
  * Fixes:
    + base: Deprecated the Throwables methods lazyStackTrace and
    lazyStackTraceIsLazy. They are no longer useful on any current
    + collect: Added a new method
    ImmutableMap.Builder.buildKeepingLast(), which keeps the last
    value for any given key rather than throwing an exception when
    a key appears more than once.
    + collect: As a side-effect of the buildKeepingLast() change,
    the idiom
    ImmutableList.copyOf(Maps.transformValues(map, function))
    may produce different results if function has side-effects.
    + hash: Added Hashing.fingerprint2011().
    + io: Changed ByteStreams.nullOutputStream() to follow the
    contract of OutputStream.write by throwing an exception if
    the range of bytes is out of bounds.
    + net: Added @CheckReturnValue to the package (with a few
    + net: Added HttpHeaders constant for
    + util.concurrent: Added accumulate/update methods for
    AtomicDouble and AtomicDoubleArray.
  * APIs promoted from @Beta:
    + base: Throwables methods getCausalChain and getCauseAs
    + collect: Streams methods mapWithIndex and findLast
    + collect: the remaining methods in Comparators: min, max,
    lexicographical, emptiesFirst, emptiesLast, isInOrder,
    + escape: various APIs
    + io: various APIs in Files
    + net: various APIs
    + reflect: various APIs
    + testlib: various APIs
    + util.concurrent: AsyncCallable, ListenableScheduledFuture,
    and ClosingFuture
    + util.concurrent: ExecutionSequencer,
    MoreExecutors.newSequentialExecutor, and Monitor
    + util.concurrent: Futures methods: submit, submitAsync,
    scheduleAsync, nonCancellationPropagating, inCompletionOrder
    + util.concurrent: Uninterruptibles:
    awaitTerminationUninterruptibly and the Duration overloads in
    the class
    + util.concurrent: the FluentFuture type, its factory methods,
    and addCallback
  * Remove the hack of removing annotations, since we have now
    all the required dependencies packaged
- Removed patch:
  * donotmock.patch
    + hack not needed any more
- update to 0.380:
  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids

- update to 0.379:
  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids
- Fix build with latest kernel, bsc#1223370
  * bsc1223370.patch
- Backport proposed fix for regression in upstream commit 4db1de6 (bsc#1224877)

- Backport upstream fix for bsc#1224877
  4db1de6 ("arping: Fix 1s delay on exit for unsolicited arpings")
- Update to 2.16.1
  * no substantial changes from 2.16.0
  * 2.16.0 (15-Nov-2023)
    + #223: Add new OptBoolean valued property in @JsonTypeInfo to
    allow per-type configuration of strict type id handling
    + #229: Add JsonTypeInfo.Value object (backport from 3.0)
    + #234: Add new JsonTypeInfo.Id.SIMPLE_NAME
- Update to 2.16.1
  * 2.16.1 (24-Dec-2023)
    + #1141: NPE in Version.equals() if snapshot-info null
    + #1161: NPE in "FastDoubleParser", method "JavaBigDecimalParser.parseBigDecimal()"
    + #1168: JsonPointer.append(JsonPointer.tail()) includes the original pointer
  * 2.16.0 (15-Nov-2023)
    + #991: Change StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION default to false in Jackson 2.16
    + #1007: Improve error message for StreamReadConstraints violations
    + #1015: JsonFactory implementations should respect CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES
    + #1035: Root cause for failing test for testMangledIntsBytes() in ParserErrorHandlingTest
    + #1036: Allow all array elements in JsonPointerBasedFilter
    + #1039: Indicate explicitly blocked sources as "REDACTED" instead of "UNKNOWN" in JsonLocation
    + #1041: Start using AssertJ in unit tests
    + #1042: Allow configuring spaces before and/or after the colon in DefaultPrettyPrinter (for Canonical JSON)
    + #1046: Add configurable limit for the maximum number of bytes/chars of content to parse before failing
    + #1047: Add configurable limit for the maximum length of Object property names to parse before failing
    + #1048: Add configurable processing limits for JSON generator (StreamWriteConstraints)
    + #1050: Compare _snapshotInfo in Version
    + #1051: Add JsonGeneratorDecorator to allow decorating JsonGenerators
    + #1064: Add full set of BufferRecyclerPool implementations
    + #1066: Add configurable error report behavior via ErrorReportConfiguration
    + #1081: Make ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper use StringReader for < 8KiB byte[] inputs
    + #1089: Allow pluggable buffer recycling via new RecyclerPool extension point
    + #1136: Change parsing error message to mention -INF

- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
- Update to 2.16.1
  * 2.16.1 (24-Dec-2023)
    + #4200: JsonSetter(contentNulls = FAIL) is ignored in
    delegating @JsonCreator argument
    + #4216: Primitive array deserializer not being captured by
    + #4219: JsonNode.findValues() and findParents() missing
    expected values in 2.16.0
  * 2.16.0 (15-Nov-2023)
    + #1770: Incorrect deserialization for BigDecimal numbers
    + #2502: Add a way to configure caches Jackson uses
    + #2787: Mix-ins do not work for Enums
    + #3133: Map deserialization results in different numeric
    classes based on json ordering (BigDecimal / Double) when
    used in combination with @JsonSubTypes
    + #3251: Generic class with generic field of runtime type
    Double is deserialized as BigDecimal when used with
    @JsonTypeInfo and JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY
    + #3277: Combination of @JsonUnwrapped and @JsonAnySetter
    results in BigDecimal instead of Double
    + #3647: @JsonIgnoreProperties not working with @JsonValue
    + #3780: Deprecated JsonNode.with(String) suggests using
    JsonNode.withObject(String) but it is not the same thing
    + #3838: Difference in the handling of ObjectId-property in
    JsonIdentityInfo depending on the deserialization route
    + #3877: Add new OptBoolean valued property in @JsonTypeInfo,
    handling, to allow per-polymorphic type loose Type Id
    + #3906: Regression: 2.15.0 breaks deserialization for records
    mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE)
    + #3924: Incorrect target type when disabling coercion, trying
    to deserialize String from Array/Object
    + #3928: @JsonProperty on constructor parameter changes default
    field serialization order
    + #3950: Create new JavaType subtype IterationType
    (extending SimpleType)
    + #3953: Use JsonTypeInfo.Value for annotation handling
    + #3965: Add JsonNodeFeature.WRITE_PROPERTIES_SORTED for
    sorting ObjectNode properties on serialization
    (for Canonical JSON)
    + #4008: Optimize ObjectNode findValue(s) and findParent(s)
    fast paths
    + #4009: Locale "" is deserialised as null if
    + #4011: Add guardrail setting for TypeParser handling of type
    + #4036: Use @JsonProperty for Enum values also when READ_ENUMS
    USING_TO_STRING enabled
    + #4037: Fix Enum deserialization to use @JsonProperty,
    @JsonAlias even if EnumNamingStrategy used
    + #4039: Use @JsonProperty and lowercase feature when
    serializing Enums despite using toString()
    + #4040: Use @JsonProperty over EnumNamingStrategy for Enum
    + #4041: Actually cache EnumValues#internalMap
    + #4047: ObjectMapper.valueToTree() will ignore the
    configuration SerializationFeature.WRAP_ROOT_VALUE
    + #4056: Provide the "ObjectMapper.treeToValue(TreeNode,
    TypeReference)" method
    + #4060: Expose NativeImageUtil.isRunningInNativeImage() method
    + #4061: Add JsonTypeInfo.Id.SIMPLE_NAME which defaults type id
    to Class.getSimpleName()
    + #4071: Impossible to deserialize custom Throwable sub-classes
    that do not have single-String constructors
    + #4078: java.desktop module is no longer optional
    + #4082: ClassUtil fails with
    java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException trying to
    setAccessible on OptionalInt with JDK 17+
    + #4090: Support sequenced collections (JDK 21)
    + #4095: Add withObjectProperty(String),
    withArrayProperty(String) in JsonNode
    + #4096: Change JsonNode.withObject(String) to work similar to
    withArray() wrt argument
    + #4144: Log WARN if deprecated subclasses of
    PropertyNamingStrategy is used
    + #4145: NPE when transforming a tree to a model class object,
    at ArrayNode.elements()
    + #4153: Deprecated ObjectReader.withType(Type) has no direct
    replacement; need forType(Type)
    + #4159: Add new DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL_AND_ENUMS to allow
    Default Typing for Enums
    + #4164: Do not rewind position when serializing direct
    + #4175: Exception when deserialization of private record with
    default constructor
    + #4184: BeanDeserializer updates currentValue incorrectly when
    deserialising empty Object
- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-11.0.23+9 (April 2024 CPU)
  * Security fixes
    + JDK-8315708, CVE-2024-21012, bsc#1222987: Enhance HTTP/2
    client usage
    + JDK-8317507, JDK-8325348, CVE-2024-21094, bsc#1222986: C2
    compilation fails with "Exceeded _node_regs array"
    + JDK-8318340: Improve RSA key implementations
    + JDK-8319851, CVE-2024-21011, bsc#1222979: Improve exception
    + JDK-8322114, CVE-2024-21085, bsc#1222984: Improve Pack 200
    + JDK-8322122, CVE-2024-21068, bsc#1222983: Enhance generation
    of addresses
  * Other changes
    + JDK-6928542: Chinese characters in RTF are not decoded
    + JDK-7132796: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JComboBox/4517214/
    / fails on MacOS
    + JDK-7148092: [macosx] When Alt+down arrow key is pressed,
    the combobox popup does not appear.
    + JDK-8054022: HttpURLConnection timeouts with Expect:
    100-Continue and no chunking
    + JDK-8054572: [macosx] JComboBox paints the border incorrectly
    + JDK-8058176: [mlvm] tests should not allow code cache
    + JDK-8067651:, fix trivial methods
    levels logic
    + JDK-8068225: nsk/jdi/EventQueue/remove_l/remove_l005
    intermittently times out
    + JDK-8156889: fails in some virtualized
    + JDK-8166275: vm/mlvm/meth/stress/compiler/deoptimize keeps
    + JDK-8166554: Avoid compilation blocking in
    + JDK-8169475: fails by timeout
    + JDK-8180266: Convert sun/security/provider/KeyStore/
    to Java Jtreg Test
    + JDK-8186610: move ModuleUtils to top-level testlibrary
    + JDK-8192864: defmeth tests can hide failures
    + JDK-8193543: Regression automated test '/open/test/jdk/java/
    + JDK-8198668: MemoryPoolMBean/isUsageThresholdExceeded/
    /isexceeded001/ still failing
    + JDK-8202282: [TESTBUG] appcds TestCommon
    .makeCommandLineForAppCDS() can be removed
    + JDK-8202790: DnD test does not
    clean up
    + JDK-8202931: [macos] java/awt/Choice/ChoicePopupLocation/
    / fails
    + JDK-8207211: [TESTBUG] Remove excessive output from
    CDS/AppCDS tests
    + JDK-8207214: Broken links in JDK API serialized-form page
    + JDK-8207855: Make applications/jcstress invoke tests in
    + JDK-8208243: vmTestbase/gc/lock/jni/jnilock002/
    / fails in jdk/hs nightly
    + JDK-8208278: [mlvm] [TESTBUG]
    .findDeadlock.INDIFY_Test Deadlocked threads are not always
    + JDK-8208623: [TESTBUG] runtime/LoadClass/ fails
    in AUFS file system
    + JDK-8208699: remove unneeded imports from runtime tests
    + JDK-8208704: runtime/appcds/ timed out
    often in hs-tier7 testing
    + JDK-8208705: [TESTBUG] The -Xlog:cds,cds+hashtables vm option
    is not always required for appcds tests
    + JDK-8209549: remove VMPropsExt from TEST.ROOT
    + JDK-8209595: timed out
    + JDK-8209946: [TESTBUG] CDS tests should use "@run driver"
    + JDK-8211438: [Testbug] runtime/XCheckJniJsig/
    looks for libjsig in wrong location
    + JDK-8211978: Move  testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/
    / and testkeys to network testlibrary
    + JDK-8213622: Windows VS2013 build failure - "'snprintf':
    identifier not found"
    + JDK-8213926: WB_EnqueueInitializerForCompilation requests
    compilation for NULL
    + JDK-8213927: G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch when
    UseTransparentHugePages is enabled
    + JDK-8214908: add ctw tests for jdk.jfr and
    + JDK-8214915: CtwRunner misses export for jdk.internal.access
    + JDK-8216408: XMLStreamWriter setDefaultNamespace(null) throws
    + JDK-8217475: Unexpected StackOverflowError in "process
    reaper" thread
    + JDK-8218754: JDK-8068225 regression in JDIBreakpointTest
    + JDK-8219475: javap man page needs to be updated
    + JDK-8219585: [TESTBUG] sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/
    / passes trivially when it
    + JDK-8219612: [TESTBUG] compiler.codecache.stress.Helper
    .TestCaseImpl can't be defined in different runtime package as
    its nest host
    + JDK-8225471: Test utility  jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils
    .areAllMountPointsAccessible needs to tolerate duplicates
    + JDK-8226706: (se) Reduce the number of outer loop iterations
    on Windows in java/nio/channels/Selector/
    + JDK-8226905: unproblem list applications/ctw/modules/* tests
    on windows
    + JDK-8226910: make it possible to use jtreg's -match via
    run-test framework
    + JDK-8227438: [TESTLIB] Determine if file exists by
    Files.exists in function FileUtils.deleteFileIfExistsWithRetry
    + JDK-8231585: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/
    / fails with
    + JDK-8232839: JDI failed due to
    "FAILED: Did not get expected IllegalThreadStateException on a
    + JDK-8233453: MLVM deoptimize stress test timed out
    + JDK-8234309: fails with parse
    + JDK-8237222: [macos] java/awt/Focus/UnaccessibleChoice/
    / fails
    + JDK-8237777: "Dumping core ..." is shown despite claiming
    that "# No core dump will be written."
    + JDK-8237834: com/sun/jndi/ldap/
    failing with LDAP response read timeout
    + JDK-8238274: (sctp) JDK-7118373 is not fixed for SctpChannel
    + JDK-8239801: [macos] java/awt/Focus/UnaccessibleChoice/
    / fails
    + JDK-8244679: JVM/TI GetCurrentContendedMonitor/contmon001
    failed due to "(IsSameObject#3) unexpected monitor object:
    + JDK-8246222: Rename javac test to be more
    + JDK-8247818: GCC 10 warning stringop-overflow with symbol code
    + JDK-8249087: Always initialize _body[0..1] in Symbol
    + JDK-8251349: Add TestCaseImpl to's build dependencies
    + JDK-8251904: vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/btree010/
    / fails with ClassNotFoundException:
    + JDK-8253543: sanity/client/SwingSet/src/
    / failed with "AssertionError:
    All pixels are not black"
    + JDK-8253739: java/awt/image/MultiResolutionImage/
    / fails
    + JDK-8253820: Save test images and dumps with timestamps from
    client sanity suite
    + JDK-8255277: randomDelay in DrainDeadlockT and
    LoggingDeadlock do not randomly delay
    + JDK-8255546: Missing coverage for
    javax.smartcardio.CardPermission and ResponseAPDU
    + JDK-8255743: Relax SIGFPE match in in
    + JDK-8257505: nsk/share/test/StressOptions stressTime is
    scaled in getter but not when printed
    + JDK-8259801: Enable XML Signature secure validation mode by
    + JDK-8264135: UnsafeGetStableArrayElement should account for
    different JIT implementation details
    + JDK-8265349: vmTestbase/../stress/compiler/deoptimize/
    / fails with OOME due to CodeCache exhaustion.
    + JDK-8269025: jsig/ doesn't check exit code
    + JDK-8269077: TestSystemGC uses "require vm.gc.G1" for large
    pages subtest
    + JDK-8271094: runtime/duplAttributes/
    doesn't check exit code
    + JDK-8271224: runtime/EnclosingMethodAttr/
    doesn't check exit code
    + JDK-8271828: mark hotspot runtime/classFileParserBug tests
    which ignore external VM flags
    + JDK-8271829: mark hotspot runtime/Throwable tests which
    ignore external VM flags
    + JDK-8271890: mark hotspot runtime/Dictionary tests which
    ignore external VM flags
    + JDK-8272291: mark hotspot runtime/logging tests which ignore
    external VM flags
    + JDK-8272335: runtime/cds/appcds/ doesn't
    check exit codes
    + JDK-8272551: mark hotspot runtime/modules tests which ignore
    external VM flags
    + JDK-8272552: mark hotspot runtime/cds tests which ignore
    external VM flags
    + JDK-8273803: Zero: Handle "zero" variant in
    + JDK-8274122: java/io/File/createTempFile/
    fails in Windows 11
    + JDK-8274621: NullPointerException because listenAddress[0] is
    + JDK-8276796: gc/ large pages subtest fails
    with ZGC
    + JDK-8280007: Enable Neoverse N1 optimizations for Arm
    Neoverse V1 & N2
    + JDK-8281149: (fs) java/nio/file/FileStore/  fails
    with java.lang.RuntimeException: values differ by more than
    + JDK-8281377: Remove vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/ThreadMXBean/
    from problemlist.
    + JDK-8281717: Cover logout method for several LoginModule
    + JDK-8282665: [REDO] replace endless
    recursion with RuntimeException in void ck(double x, double y)
    + JDK-8284090: com/sun/security/auth/module/
    fails to compile
    + JDK-8285756: clean up use of bad arguments for `@clean` in
    langtools tests
    + JDK-8285785: CheckCleanerBound test fails with
    PasswordCallback object is not released
    + JDK-8285867: Convert applet manual tests to Frame and automate
    + JDK-8286846: test/jdk/javax/swing/plaf/aqua/
    / fails on mac aarch64
    + JDK-8286969: Add a new test library API to execute kinit in
    + JDK-8287113: JFR: Periodic task thread uses period for method
    sampling events
    + JDK-8289511: Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: child
    + JDK-8289764: gc/lock tests failed with "OutOfMemoryError:
    Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced
    + JDK-8289948: Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Node
    Set Functions
    + JDK-8290399: [macos] Aqua LAF does not fire an action event
    if combo box menu is displayed
    + JDK-8290909: MemoryPoolMBean/isUsageThresholdExceeded tests
    failed with "isUsageThresholdExceeded() returned false, and is
    still false, while threshold = MMMMMMM and used peak = NNNNNNN"
    + JDK-8292182: [TESTLIB] Enhance JAXPPolicyManager to setup
    required permissions for jtreg version 7 jar
    + JDK-8292946: GC lock/jni/jnilock001 test failed
    "assert(gch->gc_cause() == GCCause::_scavenge_alot ||
    !gch->incremental_collection_failed()) failed: Twice in a row"
    + JDK-8293819: sun/util/logging/ failed
    with "RuntimeException: Retrieved backing PlatformLogger level
    null is not the expected CONFIG"
    + JDK-8294158: HTML formatting for PassFailJFrame instructions
    + JDK-8294254: [macOS] javax/swing/plaf/aqua/
    / failure
    + JDK-8294402: Add diagnostic logging to
    + JDK-8294535: Add screen capture functionality to
    + JDK-8296083: javax/swing/JTree/6263446/ fails
    intermittently on a VM
    + JDK-8296384: [TESTBUG] sun/security/provider/SecureRandom/
    /AbstractDrbg/ intermittently timeout
    + JDK-8299494: Test vmTestbase/nsk/stress/except/
    failed: ExceptionInInitializerError: target class not found
    + JDK-8300269: The selected item in an editable JComboBox with
    titled border is not visible in Aqua LAF
    + JDK-8300727: java/awt/List/ListGarbageCollectionTest/
    / failed with "List wasn't
    garbage collected"
    + JDK-8301310: The SendRawSysexMessage test may cause a JVM
    + JDK-8301377: adjust timeout for JLI subtest again
    + JDK-8301846: Invalid TargetDataLine after screen lock when
    using JFileChooser or COM library
    + JDK-8302017: Allocate BadPaddingException only if it will be
    + JDK-8302109: Trivial fixes to btree tests
    + JDK-8302149: Speed up
    + JDK-8302607: increase timeout for
    + JDK-8304074: [JMX] Add an approximation of total bytes
    allocated on the Java heap by the JVM
    + JDK-8304314: fails after CODETOOLS-7903373
    + JDK-8304725: AsyncGetCallTrace can cause SIGBUS on M1
    + JDK-8305502: adjust timeouts in three more M&M tests
    + JDK-8305505: NPE in javazic compiler
    + JDK-8305972: Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.2
    + JDK-8306072: Open source several AWT MouseInfo related tests
    + JDK-8306076: Open source AWT misc tests
    + JDK-8306409: Open source AWT KeyBoardFocusManger,
    LightWeightComponent related tests
    + JDK-8306640: Open source several AWT TextArea related tests
    + JDK-8306652: Open source AWT MenuItem related tests
    + JDK-8306681: Open source more AWT DnD related tests
    + JDK-8306683: Open source several clipboard and color AWT tests
    + JDK-8306752: Open source several container and component AWT
    + JDK-8306753: Open source several container AWT tests
    + JDK-8306755: Open source few Swing JComponent and
    AbstractButton tests
    + JDK-8306812: Open source several AWT Miscellaneous tests
    + JDK-8306871: Open source more AWT Drag & Drop tests
    + JDK-8306996: Open source Swing MenuItem related tests
    + JDK-8307123: Fix deprecation warnings in DPrinter
    + JDK-8307130: Open source few Swing JMenu tests
    + JDK-8307299: Move more DnD tests to open
    + JDK-8307311: Timeouts on one macOS 12.6.1 host of two Swing
    JTableHeader tests
    + JDK-8307381: Open Source JFrame, JIF related Swing Tests
    + JDK-8307683: Loop Predication should not hoist range checks
    with trap on success projection by negating their condition
    + JDK-8308043: Deadlock in due to blocking GC
    while allocating
    + JDK-8308116: jdk.test.lib.compiler.InMemoryJavaCompiler
    .compile does not close files
    + JDK-8308223: failure handler missed command
    + JDK-8308232: nsk/jdb tests don't pass -verbose flag to the
    + JDK-8308245: Add -proc:full to describe current default
    annotation processing policy
    + JDK-8308336: Test java/net/HttpURLConnection/
    / failed: Address already in use
    + JDK-8309104: [JVMCI] compiler/unsafe/
    /UnsafeGetStableArrayElement test asserts wrong values with
    + JDK-8309119: [17u/11u] Redo JDK-8297951: C2: Create skeleton
    predicates for all If nodes in loop predication
    + JDK-8309462: [AIX] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RunAgentThread/
    /agentthr001/ crashing due to empty while
    + JDK-8309778: java/nio/file/Files/ fails when
    using second test directory
    + JDK-8309870: Using -proc:full should be considered requesting
    explicit annotation processing
    + JDK-8310106:
    .getHandshakeProducer() incorrectly checks handshakeConsumers
    + JDK-8310238: [test bug] javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/
    / fails
    + JDK-8310551: vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/interrupt/interrupt001/
    / timed out due to missing prompt
    + JDK-8310807: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
    timed out
    + JDK-8311081: fail on localized
    Windows platform
    + JDK-8311511: Improve description of NativeLibrary JFR event
    + JDK-8311585: Add JRadioButtonMenuItem to
    + JDK-8313081: MonitoringSupport_lock should be unconditionally
    initialized after 8304074
    + JDK-8313082: Enable CreateCoredumpOnCrash for testing in
    + JDK-8313164: src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/
    /awt_Robot.cpp GetRGBPixels adjust releasing of resources
    + JDK-8313252: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_paintBackground
    release resources in early returns
    + JDK-8313643: Update HarfBuzz to 8.2.2
    + JDK-8313816: Accessing jmethodID might lead to spurious
    + JDK-8314144: gc/g1/ihop/ fails due to
    extra concurrent mark with -Xcomp
    + JDK-8314164: java/net/HttpURLConnection/
    / fails intermittently
    in timeout
    + JDK-8314883:
    Java_java_util_prefs_FileSystemPreferences_lockFile0 write
    result errno in missing case
    + JDK-8315034: File.mkdirs() occasionally fails to create
    folders on Windows shared folder
    + JDK-8315042: NPE in PKCS7.parseOldSignedData
    + JDK-8315415: OutputAnalyzer.shouldMatchByLine() fails in some
    + JDK-8315499: build using devkit on Linux ppc64le RHEL puts
    path to devkit into libsplashscreen
    + JDK-8315594: Open source few headless Swing misc tests
    + JDK-8315600: Open source few more headless Swing misc tests
    + JDK-8315602: Open source swing security manager test
    + JDK-8315606: Open source few swing text/html tests
    + JDK-8315611: Open source swing text/html and tree test
    + JDK-8315680: java/lang/ref/ should
    run with -Xbatch
    + JDK-8315731: Open source several Swing Text related tests
    + JDK-8315761: Open source few swing JList and JMenuBar tests
    + JDK-8315986: [macos14] javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/
    / component must be showing on the screen to
    determine its location
    + JDK-8316001: GC: Make TestArrayAllocatorMallocLimit use
    + JDK-8316028: Update FreeType to 2.13.2
    + JDK-8316030: Update Libpng to 1.6.40
    + JDK-8316106: Open source few swing JInternalFrame and
    JMenuBar tests
    + JDK-8316461: Fix: make test outputs TEST SUCCESS after
    unsuccessful exit
    + JDK-8316947: Write a test to check textArea triggers
    MouseEntered/MouseExited events properly
    + JDK-8317307: test/jdk/com/sun/jndi/ldap/
    / fails with ConnectException:
    Connection timed out: no further information
    + JDK-8317327: Remove JT_JAVA dead code in jib-profiles.js
    + JDK-8318154: Improve stability of test
    + JDK-8318410: jdk/java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/
    / fails on Japanese Windows
    + JDK-8318468: compiler/tiered/ fails
    with -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
    + JDK-8318603: Parallelize sun/java2d/marlin/
    + JDK-8318607: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni
    + JDK-8318608: Enable parallelism in
    vmTestbase/nsk/stress/threads tests
    + JDK-8318736: com/sun/jdi/ failed with
    "transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use"
    + JDK-8318889: C2: add bailout after assert Bad graph detected
    in build_loop_late
    + JDK-8318951: Additional negative value check in JPEG decoding
    + JDK-8318955: Add ReleaseIntArrayElements in
    Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_SetBitmapShape XlbWrapper.c to
    early return
    + JDK-8318971: Better Error Handling for Jar Tool When
    Processing Non-existent Files
    + JDK-8318983: Fix comment typo in
    + JDK-8319124: Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.3
    + JDK-8319456: jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection/
    /TestGCCauseWith[Serial|Parallel].java : GC cause 'GCLocker
    Initiated GC' not in the valid causes
    + JDK-8319668: Fixup of jar filename typo in
    + JDK-8320001: javac crashes while adding type annotations to
    the return type of a constructor
    + JDK-8320208: Update Public Suffix List to b5bf572
    + JDK-8320363: ppc64 TypeEntries::type_unknown logic looks
    wrong, missed optimization opportunity
    + JDK-8320597: RSA signature verification fails on signed data
    that does not encode params correctly
    + JDK-8320798: Console read line with zero out should zero out
    underlying buffer
    + JDK-8320884: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.23
    + JDK-8320937: support latest VS2022 MSC_VER in
    + JDK-8321151: JDK-8294427 breaks Windows L&F on all older
    Windows versions
    + JDK-8321215: Incorrect x86 instruction encoding for VSIB
    addressing mode
    + JDK-8321408: Add Certainly roots R1 and E1
    + JDK-8321480: ISO 4217 Amendment 176 Update
    + JDK-8322178: Error. can't find jdk.testlibrary
    .SimpleSSLContext in test directory or libraries
    + JDK-8322417: Console read line with zero out should zero out
    when throwing exception
    + JDK-8322725: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023d
    + JDK-8322750: Test "api/java_awt/interactive/
    /SystemTrayTests.html" failed because A blue ball icon is
    added outside of the system tray
    + JDK-8322752: [11u] is
    failing assert
    + JDK-8322772: Clean up code after JDK-8322417
    + JDK-8323008: filter out harmful -std* flags added by autoconf
    from CXX
    + JDK-8323243: JNI invocation of an abstract instance method
    corrupts the stack
    + JDK-8323515: Create test alias "all" for all test roots
    + JDK-8323640: [TESTBUG]testMemoryFailCount in jdk/internal/
    /platform/docker/ always fail
    because OOM killed
    + JDK-8324184: Windows VS2010 build failed with "error C2275:
    + JDK-8324307: [11u] hotspot fails to build with GCC 12 and
    newer (non-static data member initializers)
    + JDK-8324347: Enable "maybe-uninitialized" warning for
    FreeType 2.13.1
    + JDK-8324659: GHA: Generic jtreg errors are not reported
    + JDK-8325096: Test java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder/akiExt/
    / is failing
    + JDK-8325150: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2024a
    + JDK-8326109: GCC 13 reports maybe-uninitialized warnings for
    jni.cpp with dtrace enabled
    + JDK-8326503: [11u] java/net/HttpURLConnection/
    / fail because of
    package org.junit.jupiter.api does not exist
    + JDK-8327391: Add SipHash attribution file
    + JDK-8329837: [11u] Remove designator
    DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 11.0.23

- Removed patch:
  * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch
    + Remove the possibility to use the system timezone-java. It
    creates more problems then it solves (bsc#1213470)

- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
- fix denial of service (CPU consumption) via a large p2c
  (aka PBES2 Count) value - CVE-2023-51775 (bsc#1220726)
  Added: CVE-2023-51775.patch
- pstore: inode: Only d_invalidate() is needed (bsc#1223705
- commit bbe965a

- media: edia: dvbdev: fix a use-after-free (CVE-2024-27043
- commit e3d9ce5

- Update
  (bsc#1206881 bsc#1223475 CVE-2022-48631).
- commit 718df1c

- md/raid5: fix atomicity violation in raid5_cache_count
  (bsc#1219169, CVE-2024-23307).
- commit d2d22f0

- kABI workaround for cec_adapter (CVE-2024-23848 bsc#1219104).
- media: cec: core: avoid confusing "transmit timed out" message
  (CVE-2024-23848 bsc#1219104).
- media: cec: core: avoid recursive cec_claim_log_addrs
  (CVE-2024-23848 bsc#1219104).
- media: cec: cec-api: add locking in cec_release()
  (CVE-2024-23848 bsc#1219104).
- media: cec: cec-adap: always cancel work in cec_transmit_msg_fh
  (CVE-2024-23848 bsc#1219104).
- commit 5f84bce

- media: cec: abort if the current transmit was canceled
  (CVE-2024-23848 bsc#1219104).
- commit f23b730

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48663 bsc#1223523).
- commit fb50f4d

- Update
  (bsc#1203906 CVE-2022-48638 bsc#1223522).
- commit 1b1d545

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48647 bsc#1223519).
- commit 2df3009

- Update
  (bsc#1193629 CVE-2022-48667 bsc#1223518).
- commit 2544640

- Update
  (jsc#SLE-18978 CVE-2022-48637 bsc#1223517).
- commit 8af9f52

- Update
  (bsc#1193629 CVE-2022-48668 bsc#1223516).
- commit ea57df6

- drm/i915/gem: Really move under ref
  protection (CVE-2022-48662 bsc#1223505).
- commit 1ea0422

- Update
  (bsc#1203935 CVE-2022-48650 bsc#1223509).
- commit ecd523c

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48648 bsc#1223503).
- commit 2cd307a

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48660 bsc#1223487).
- commit 30d7811

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48657 bsc#1223484).
- commit d7e1659

- Update
  (bsc#1204614 CVE-2022-48654 bsc#1223482).
- commit a8a2952

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48656 bsc#1223479).
- commit 90546f3

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48653 bsc#1223474).
- commit dba84ad

- ipvlan: Fix out-of-bound bugs caused by unset skb->mac_header
  (bsc#1223513 CVE-2022-48651).
- commit c96a663

- Update patches.suse/firmware-arm_scmi-Harden-accesses-to-the-reset-domai.patch (git-fixes CVE-2022-48655 bsc#1223477)
- commit 2dabafb

- Call flush_delayed_fput() from nfsd main-loop (bsc#1223380).
- commit 18e662b

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47047 bsc#1220761).
- commit 1f6461d

- crypto: lib/mpi - Fix unexpected pointer access in mpi_ec_init
  (CVE-2023-52616 bsc#1221612).
- commit 6fa74bc

- x86/boot: Ignore relocations in .notes sections in walk_relocs() too (bsc#1222624 CVE-2024-26816).
- commit 9c9dbbd

- x86, relocs: Ignore relocations in .notes section (bsc#1222624 CVE-2024-26816).
- commit 9bcfc48

- Update
  (bsc#1218562 CVE-2023-6270 CVE-2024-26898 bsc#1223016).
- commit 5a56f33

- Update
  (bsc#1219170 CVE-2024-22099 CVE-2024-26903 bsc#1223187).
- commit 1a4ee0a

- Update
  (bsc#1219264 CVE-2024-0841 CVE-2024-26688 bsc#1222482).
- Update
  (bsc#1219126 CVE-2024-23850 CVE-2024-26792 bsc#1222430).
- Update
  (CVE-2024-26733 bsc#1222585 CVE-2024-26739 bsc#1222559).
- commit ac0df3e

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47207 bsc#1222790).
- Update
  (bsc#1192354 CVE-2021-47211 bsc#1222869).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-19249 CVE-2021-47196 bsc#1222773).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47187 bsc#1222703).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47194 bsc#1222829).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47205 bsc#1222888).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47200 bsc#1222838).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-18378 CVE-2021-47184 bsc#1222666).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-18385 CVE-2021-47201 bsc#1222792).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47217 bsc#1222836).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47204 bsc#1222787).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-19253 CVE-2021-47212 bsc#1222709).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-19253 CVE-2021-47199 bsc#1222785).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-19253 CVE-2021-47215 bsc#1222704).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-19253 CVE-2021-47197 bsc#1222776).
- Update
  (bsc#1192837 CVE-2021-47209 bsc#1222796).
- Update patches.suse/scsi-advansys-Fix-kernel-pointer-leak.patch
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47216 bsc#1222876).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47192 bsc#1222867).
- Update
  (bsc#1190576 CVE-2021-47203 bsc#1222881).
- Update
  (bsc#1192145 CVE-2021-47198 bsc#1222883).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47193 bsc#1222879).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47191 bsc#1222866).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47219 bsc#1222824).
- Update patches.suse/scsi-ufs-core-Improve-SCSI-abort-handling
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47188 bsc#1222671).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47218 bsc#1222791).
- Update
  (stable-5.14.21 CVE-2021-47202 bsc#1222878).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47185 bsc#1222669).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47206 bsc#1222894).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47210 bsc#1222901).
- commit 48b69db

- wifi: iwlwifi: fix a memory corruption (CVE-2024-26610
- commit e7967c5

- xen/events: close evtchn after mapping cleanup (CVE-2024-26687,
- commit eb41ab9

- Update patches.suse/arp-Prevent-overflow-in-arp_req_get.patch
- fix build warning
- commit b98055d

- ext4: regenerate buddy after block freeing failed if under fc
  replay (bsc#1220342 CVE-2024-26601).
- commit c12e20f

- blacklist.conf: Blacklist 83e80a6e3543f3
- commit 62a580e

- fs/aio: Check IOCB_AIO_RW before the struct aio_kiocb conversion
  (bsc#1222721 CVE-2024-26764).
- commit b81d662

- fs/aio: Restrict kiocb_set_cancel_fn() to I/O submitted via
  libaio (bsc#1222721 CVE-2024-26764).
- commit 6f0ed6e

- ext4: avoid allocating blocks from corrupted group in
  ext4_mb_try_best_found() (bsc#1222618 CVE-2024-26773).
- commit 821043d

- Update patches.suse/thermal-Fix-NULL-pointer-dereferences-in-of_thermal_.patch (stable-5.14.21 CVE-2021-47202 bsc#1222878)
- commit 9b2ed28

- Update references in
  (bsc#1221044 bsc#1221088 CVE-2023-52591 CVE-2023-52590).
- commit 6a6852e

- Update patches.suse/spi-fix-use-after-free-of-the-add_lock-mutex.patch (git-fixes CVE-2021-47195 bsc#1222832)
- commit e8d48f1

- IB/hfi1: Fix sdma.h tx->num_descs off-by-one error (bsc#1222726 CVE-2024-26766)
- commit dc4bba0

- scsi: Update max_hw_sectors on rescan (bsc#1216223).
- ibmvfc: make 'max_sectors' a module option (bsc#1216223).
- commit af79c3f

- md/raid5: fix atomicity violation in raid5_cache_count
  (bsc#1219169, CVE-2024-23307).
- commit 7709383

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47189 bsc#1222706).
- commit 95bc72d

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47185).
- commit de9e1db

- Update
  (bsc#1192145 CVE-2021-47183 bsc#1222664).
- commit 720685d

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47182 bsc#1222662).
- commit 641c737

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47181 bsc#1222660).
- commit 27da195

- ceph: prevent use-after-free in encode_cap_msg() (CVE-2024-26689
- commit c307f9b

- tty: n_gsm: require CAP_NET_ADMIN to attach N_GSM0710 ldisc
- commit 900d642

- arp: Prevent overflow in arp_req_get() (CVE-2024-26733
- commit aed9764

- net/sched: act_mirred: don't override retval if we already
  lost the skb (CVE-2024-26733 bsc#1222585).
- commit 57213f3

- Update
  (bsc#1219126 CVE-2024-23850 CVE-2024-26727 bsc#1222536).
- commit 9619dfe

- ext4: fix double-free of blocks due to wrong extents moved_len
  (bsc#1222422 CVE-2024-26704).
- commit 4e96ad3

- fs,hugetlb: fix NULL pointer dereference in hugetlbs_fill_super
  (bsc#1219264 CVE-2024-0841).
- commit aa8204a

- nfsd: Fix error cleanup path in nfsd_rename() (bsc#1221044
- commit a849be1

- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (bsc#1220883
- commit fc88013

- Update
  (CVE-2023-4881 bsc#1215221 CVE-2023-52628 bsc#1222117).
- commit fd3aabc

- selinux: saner handling of policy reloads (bsc#1222230 bsc#1221044
- commit 66a189d

- bpf, sockmap: Prevent lock inversion deadlock in map delete elem
  (bsc#1209657 CVE-2023-0160).
- commit 989b8c6

- blacklist.conf: omit reverted sockmap deadlock fix
- commit 397323e

- x86/sev: Harden #VC instruction emulation somewhat (CVE-2024-25742 bsc#1221725).
- commit 2e3eba1

- netfilter: nf_tables: disallow anonymous set with timeout flag
  (CVE-2024-26642 bsc#1221830).
- commit 02a907f

- netfilter: ctnetlink: fix possible refcount leak in
  ctnetlink_create_conntrack() (CVE-2023-7192 bsc#1218479).
- commit 0b47032

- README.BRANCH: Remove copy of branch name
- commit 4834fba

- README.BRANCH: Remove copy of branch name
- commit 704bda3

- ipv6: init the accept_queue's spinlocks in inet6_create
  (bsc#1221293 CVE-2024-26614).
- commit 0ab8c0f

- tcp: make sure init the accept_queue's spinlocks once
  (bsc#1221293 CVE-2024-26614).
- commit 943f002

- powerpc/mm: Fix null-pointer dereference in pgtable_cache_add
  (CVE-2023-52607 bsc#1221061).
- commit 36feafa

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52519 bsc#1220920).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52529 bsc#1220929).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52474 bsc#1220445).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52513 bsc#1221022).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52515 bsc#1221048).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52564 bsc#1220938).
- Update
  (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447 CVE-2023-52621 bsc#1222073).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52510 bsc#1220898).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52524 bsc#1220927).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52528 bsc#1220843).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52507 bsc#1220833).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52566 bsc#1220940).
- Update
  (bsc#1214842 CVE-2023-52508 bsc#1221015).
- Update
  (bsc#1217987 bsc#1217988 bsc#1217989 CVE-2023-6535 CVE-2023-6536
  CVE-2023-6356 CVE-2023-52454 bsc#1220320).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52520 bsc#1220921).
- Update
  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827 CVE-2023-52509 bsc#1220836).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52501 bsc#1220885).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52567 bsc#1220839).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52517 bsc#1221055).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52511 bsc#1221012).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52525 bsc#1220840).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52504 bsc#1221553).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2023-52575 bsc#1220871).
- commit 5f353b0

- Update patches.suse/0001-mmc-moxart_remove-Fix-UAF.patch
  (bsc#1194516 CVE-2022-0487 CVE-2022-48626 bsc#1220366).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48629 bsc#1220989).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2022-48630 bsc#1220990).
- commit f8cf886

- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-46926 bsc#1220478).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47096 bsc#1220981).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47104 bsc#1220960).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47097 bsc#1220982).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47094 bsc#1221551).
- Update patches.suse/NFSD-Fix-READDIR-buffer-overflow.patch
  (git-fixes bsc#1196346 CVE-2021-47107 bsc#1220965).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47101 bsc#1220987).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47108 bsc#1220986).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47098 bsc#1220983).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47100 bsc#1220985).
- Update
  (bsc#1193490 CVE-2021-47095 bsc#1220979).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47091 bsc#1220959).
- Update
  (bsc#1217195 CVE-2021-46936 bsc#1220439).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47102 bsc#1221009).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-46925 bsc#1220466).
- Update
  (git fixes (mm/gup) CVE-2021-46927 bsc#1220443).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47093 bsc#1220978).
- Update patches.suse/sctp-use-call_rcu-to-free-endpoint.patch
  (CVE-2022-20154 bsc#1200599 CVE-2021-46929 bsc#1220482).
- Update patches.suse/tee-optee-Fix-incorrect-page-free-bug.patch
  (jsc#SLE-21844 CVE-2021-47087 bsc#1220954).
- Update
  (bsc#1209635 CVE-2022-4744 git-fixes CVE-2021-47082
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-46933 bsc#1220487).
- Update patches.suse/usb-mtu3-fix-list_head-check-warning.patch
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-46930 bsc#1220484).
- Update
  (git-fixes CVE-2021-47099 bsc#1220955).
- commit b15f74e

- wifi: ath10k: fix NULL pointer dereference in
  ath10k_wmi_tlv_op_pull_mgmt_tx_compl_ev() (bsc#1218336
- commit 1784f9f

- x86/sev: Harden #VC instruction emulation somewhat (CVE-2024-25742 bsc#1221725).
- commit 02ed75a

- dmaengine: fix NULL pointer in channel unregistration function (bsc#1221276 CVE-2023-52492)
- commit f21c2ab

- Bluetooth: rfcomm: Fix null-ptr-deref in rfcomm_check_security
  (bsc#1219170 CVE-2024-22099).
- commit ece27a6

- perf/x86/lbr: Filter vsyscall addresses (bsc#1220703,
- commit c52b506

- fs: introduce lock_rename_child() helper (bsc#1221044
  Refresh patches.suse/fs-Establish-locking-order-for-unrelated-directories.patch
- commit 86376e0

- rename(): avoid a deadlock in the case of parents having no
  common ancestor (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit 16e3098

- kill lock_two_inodes() (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit 8b8deef

- rename(): fix the locking of subdirectories (bsc#1221044
- commit 146d81f

- f2fs: Avoid reading renamed directory if parent does not change
  (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit 5344280

- ext4: don't access the source subdirectory content on
  same-directory rename (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit b2b6374

- ext2: Avoid reading renamed directory if parent does not change
  (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit 2edcc11

- udf_rename(): only access the child content on cross-directory
  rename (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit 0257614

- ocfs2: Avoid touching renamed directory if parent does not
  change (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit e786f3a

- reiserfs: Avoid touching renamed directory if parent does not
  change (git-fixes bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
  Refresh patches.suse/reiserfs-add-check-to-detect-corrupted-directory-entry.patch
  Refresh patches.suse/reiserfs-don-t-panic-on-bad-directory-entries.patch
- commit 523ddca

- fs: don't assume arguments are non-NULL (bsc#1221044
- commit 2177893

- fs: Restrict lock_two_nondirectories() to non-directory inodes
  (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit a59a7cb

- fs: ocfs2: check status values (bsc#1221044 CVE-2023-52591).
- commit 8c6576f

- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix NULL pointer dereference issue in
  upi_fill_topology() (bsc#1220237, CVE-2023-52450).
- commit 246b58a

- x86/mmio: Disable KVM mitigation when X86_FEATURE_CLEAR_CPU_BUF is  set (bsc#1213456 CVE-2023-28746).
- commit 4fed4e6

- Sort upstream patches
- Refresh
- Refresh
- Refresh
- Refresh
- commit f172e12

- Refresh patches.kabi/team-Hide-new-member-header-ops.patch.
  Fix for kABI workaround.
- commit 6ba2f5d

- ceph: fix deadlock or deadcode of misusing dget() (bsc#1221058
- commit 1a81018

- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
  (CVE-2023-52582 bsc#1220878).
- commit dfd082b

- Refresh
  * Section mismatch (function ima_free_kexec_buffer()) in modpost: vmlinux.o in ima_free_kexec_buffer()
  WARNING: modpost: vmlinux.o(.text+0xac1250): Section mismatch in reference from the function ima_free_kexec_buffer() to the function .init.text:__memblock_free_late()
- commit 5522f01

- Update
  (bsc#1220790 CVE-2023-52477).
- commit d33bab7

- drm/radeon: check the alloc_workqueue return value in radeon_crtc_init() (bsc#1220413 CVE-2023-52470).
- commit 9d7d799

- drivers/amd/pm: fix a use-after-free in kv_parse_power_table (bsc#1220411 CVE-2023-52469).
- commit f4f0cf4

- Quote filenames (boo#1221077).
  The kernel source now contains a file with a space in the name.
  Add quotes in to avoid splitting the filename.
  Also use -print0 / -0 when updating timestamps.
- commit a005e42

- mm,ima,kexec,of: use memblock_free_late from
  ima_free_kexec_buffer (bsc#1220872 CVE-2023-52576).
- commit b1b1c9a

- phy: ti: phy-omap-usb2: Fix NULL pointer dereference for SRP (bsc#1220340,CVE-2024-26600)
- commit 78e2b4a

- erofs: fix lz4 inplace decompression (CVE-2023-52497
- commit ddeedf9

- ACPI: extlog: fix NULL pointer dereference check (bsc#1221039
- commit 635c481

- kernel-binary: Fix i386 build
  Fixes: 89eaf4cdce05 ("rpm templates: Move macro definitions below buildrequires")
- commit f7c6351

- btrfs: remove BUG() after failure to insert delayed dir index
  item (bsc#1220918 CVE-2023-52569).
- btrfs: improve error message after failure to add delayed dir
  index item (bsc#1220918 CVE-2023-52569).
- commit 53e1d2d

- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (CVE-2023-52502 bsc#1220831).
- commit 8c33586

- kabi: team: Hide new member header_ops (bsc#1220870
- commit 9f49992

- KVM: s390: fix setting of fpc register (git-fixes bsc#1220392
  bsc#1221040 CVE-2023-52597).
- commit a90b87c

- kernel-binary: vdso: fix filelist for non-usrmerged kernel
  Fixes: a6ad8af207e6 ("rpm templates: Always define usrmerged")
- commit fb3f221

- bpf, sockmap: Reject sk_msg egress redirects to non-TCP sockets
  (bsc#1220926 CVE-2023-52523).
- commit 90d9f50

- aoe: fix the potential use-after-free problem in aoecmd_cfg_pkts
  (bsc#1218562 CVE-2023-6270).
- commit 57a4cd4

- efivarfs: force RO when remounting if SetVariable is not
  supported (bsc#1220328 CVE-2023-52463).
- commit eed7fb0

- iommu/vt-d: Avoid memory allocation in iommu_suspend()
  (CVE-2023-52559 bsc#1220933).
- commit c9b01ef

- Refresh patches.suse/0001-powerpc-pseries-memhp-Fix-access-beyond-end-of-drmem.patch.
  - update to upstream version
  - rename to same name as SLE15 SP5
- commit 1d2def1

- KVM: x86: Export RFDS_NO and RFDS_CLEAR to guests (bsc#1213456 CVE-2023-28746).
- commit 4aebf4f

- x86/rfds: Mitigate Register File Data Sampling (RFDS)  (bsc#1213456 CVE-2023-28746).
- Update config files.
- commit 29c1c99

- Documentation/hw-vuln: Add documentation for RFDS (bsc#1213456 CVE-2023-28746).
- commit 81de603

- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
- team: fix null-ptr-deref when team device type is changed
  (bsc#1220870 CVE-2023-52574).
- commit 2cc53f5

- Update
  (jsc#SLE-18375 bsc#1220961 CVE-2021-47105).
- Update patches.suse/net-mana-Fix-TX-CQE-error-handling.patch
  (bsc#1215986 bsc#1220932 CVE-2023-52532).
- Update
  (jsc#SLE-19253 bsc#1220486 CVE-2021-46931).
  Added CVE references.
- commit 3e396c2

- Update patches.suse/i2c-validate-user-data-in-compat-ioctl.patch
  (git-fixes bsc#1220469 CVE-2021-46934).
  Add bug and CVE references.
- commit 3a04060

- wifi: mac80211: fix potential key use-after-free (CVE-2023-52530
- commit 3feca94

- Update patch reference for iwlwifi fix (CVE-2023-52531 bsc#1220931)
- commit bde87cf

- Update patch reference for pinctrl fix (CVE-2021-47083 bsc#1220917)
- commit b608623

- drm/bridge: sii902x: Fix probing race issue (bsc#1220736 CVE-2024-26607).
- commit 70198c4

- Update
  (git-fixes bsc#1220845 CVE-2022-48627).
- Update
  (git-fixes bsc#1220735 CVE-2023-52482).
  Add CVE references.
- commit dcdac38

- mfd: syscon: Fix null pointer dereference in
  of_syscon_register() (bsc#1220433 CVE-2023-52467).
- commit b0262b8

- bpf: Fix re-attachment branch in bpf_tracing_prog_attach
  (bsc#1220254 CVE-2024-26591).
- commit fc948d3

- selftests/bpf: Add test for alu on PTR_TO_FLOW_KEYS (bsc#1220255
- bpf: Reject variable offset alu on PTR_TO_FLOW_KEYS (bsc#1220255
- commit 8a833ce

- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by arm_smmu_mm_invalidate_range (CVE-2023-52484 bsc#1220797).
- commit 2229de3

- tls: fix race between tx work scheduling and socket close
  (CVE-2024-26585 bsc#1220187).
- commit 1306bff

- kabi: restore return type of dst_ops::gc() callback
  (CVE-2023-52340 bsc#1219295).
- ipv6: remove max_size check inline with ipv4 (CVE-2023-52340
- commit b8eec42

- netfilter: nf_tables: fix 64-bit load issue in
  nft_byteorder_eval() (CVE-2024-0607 bsc#1218915).
- netfilter: nf_tables: fix pointer math issue in
  nft_byteorder_eval() (CVE-2024-0607 bsc#1218915).
- commit e095cd0

- netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: skip inactive elements during set
  walk (CVE-2023-6817 bsc#1218195).
- commit 4032aa7

- tomoyo: fix UAF write bug in tomoyo_write_control() (bsc#1220825
- commit c8e5b38

- doc/README.SUSE: Update information about module support status
  Following the code change in SLE15-SP6 to have externally supported
  modules no longer taint the kernel, update the respective documentation
  * Describe that support status can be obtained at runtime for each
  module from /sys/module/$MODULE/supported and for the entire system
  from /sys/kernel/supported. This provides a way how to now check that
  the kernel has any externally supported modules loaded.
  * Remove a mention that externally supported modules taint the kernel,
  but keep the information about bit 16 (X) and add a note that it is
  still tracked per module and can be read from
  /sys/module/$MODULE/taint. This per-module information also appears in
- commit 9ed8107

- btrfs: fix double free of anonymous device after snapshot
  creation failure (bsc#1219126 CVE-2024-23850).
- commit 257a534

- btrfs: do not ASSERT() if the newly created subvolume already
  got read (bsc#1219126 CVE-2024-23850).
- commit a2ac581

- bpf: Minor cleanup around stack bounds (bsc#1220257
- bpf: Fix accesses to uninit stack slots (bsc#1220257
- bpf: Guard stack limits against 32bit overflow (git-fixes).
- bpf: Fix verification of indirect var-off stack access
- commit 7d03125

- serial: 8250: omap: Don't skip resource freeing if
  pm_runtime_resume_and_get() failed (bsc#1220350 CVE-2023-52457).
- commit c82f528

- serial: imx: fix tx statemachine deadlock (bsc#1220364
- commit cd9f92c

- powerpc/pseries/memhp: Fix access beyond end of drmem array
- commit fdc7254

- Update patch reference for input fix (CVE-2021-46932 bsc#1220444)
- commit e44e0b1

- Update patches.suse/i2c-Fix-a-potential-use-after-free.patch
  (git-fixes bsc#1220409 CVE-2019-25162).
  Add bug and CVE references.
- commit 6df4ebd

- efivarfs: force RO when remounting if SetVariable is not
  supported (bsc#1220328 CVE-2023-52463).
- commit 3cfef52

- btrfs: fix double free of anonymous device after snapshot
  creation failure (bsc#1219126 CVE-2024-23850).
- commit f8ba729

- mtd: Fix gluebi NULL pointer dereference caused by ftl notifier
  (bsc#1220238 CVE-2023-52449).
- commit c132b67

- fs/mount_setattr: always cleanup mount_kattr (bsc#1220457
- commit 89afe2f

- kABI: bpf: map_fd_put_ptr() signature kABI workaround
  (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- kABI: bpf: struct bpf_map kABI workaround (bsc#1220251
- kABI: bpf: map_fd_put_ptr() signature kABI workaround
  (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- kABI: bpf: struct bpf_map kABI workaround (bsc#1220251
- commit bec1c61

- selftests/bpf: Test outer map update operations in syscall
  program (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- selftests/bpf: Add test cases for inner map (bsc#1220251
- bpf: Defer the free of inner map when necessary (bsc#1220251
- Refresh patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-bpf.patch
- bpf: Set need_defer as false when clearing fd array during
  map free (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- bpf: Add map and need_defer parameters to .map_fd_put_ptr()
  (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- bpf: Check rcu_read_lock_trace_held() before calling bpf map
  helpers (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- rcu-tasks: Provide rcu_trace_implies_rcu_gp() (bsc#1220251
- selftests/bpf: Test outer map update operations in syscall
  program (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- selftests/bpf: Add test cases for inner map (bsc#1220251
- bpf: Defer the free of inner map when necessary (bsc#1220251
- Refresh patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-bpf.patch
- bpf: Set need_defer as false when clearing fd array during
  map free (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- bpf: Add map and need_defer parameters to .map_fd_put_ptr()
  (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- bpf: Check rcu_read_lock_trace_held() before calling bpf map
  helpers (bsc#1220251 CVE-2023-52447).
- rcu-tasks: Provide rcu_trace_implies_rcu_gp() (bsc#1220251
- commit aa6db76

- Update patch reference for HID fix (CVE-2023-52478 bsc#1220796)
- commit 4aec836

- Update patch reference for input fix (CVE-2023-52475 bsc#1220649)
- commit 00a87c8

- KVM: arm64: vgic-its: Avoid potential UAF in LPI translation
  cache (bsc#1220326, CVE-2024-26598).
- commit 74fd0dd

- x86/fpu: Stop relying on userspace for info to fault in xsave buffer (bsc#1220335, CVE-2024-26603).
- commit 4cbbdbf

- Update patch reference for NFC fix (CVE-2021-46924 bsc#1220459)
- commit 8ac32a8

- media: pvrusb2: fix use after free on context disconnection
  (CVE-2023-52445 bsc#1220241).
- commit e4643a5

- uio: Fix use-after-free in uio_open (bsc#1220140
- commit fbf52b1

- apparmor: avoid crash when parsed profile name is empty
  (CVE-2023-52443 bsc#1220240).
- commit 732bc93

- btrfs: do not ASSERT() if the newly created subvolume already
  got read (bsc#1219126 CVE-2024-23850).
- commit 087f1fb

- sched/membarrier: reduce the ability to hammer on sys_membarrier
  (git-fixes, bsc#1220398, CVE-2024-26602).
- commit 6f61ce3

- i2c: i801: Fix block process call transactions (bsc#1220009
- commit 1b64da9

- mlxsw: spectrum_acl_tcam: Fix stack corruption (bsc#1220243
- mlxsw: spectrum_acl_tcam: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
  error path (bsc#1220344 CVE-2024-26595).
- commit 6e8b589

- EDAC/thunderx: Fix possible out-of-bounds string access (bsc#1220330, CVE-2023-52464)
- commit 369d1fd

- Drop 2 git-fixes patches which are suspicious to introduce regression
  reported in bsc#1219073,
  - patches.suse/md-Set-MD_BROKEN-for-RAID1-and-RAID10-9631.patch.
  - patches.suse/md-raid1-free-the-r1bio-before-waiting-for-blocked-r-992d.patch.
- Refresh patches.suse/md-display-timeout-error.patch for the above
- commit 4ecd26a

- gfs2: Fix kernel NULL pointer dereference in gfs2_rgrp_dump
  (bsc#1220253 CVE-2023-52448).
- commit 12cdab5

- rpm templates: Always define usrmerged
  usrmerged is now defined in kernel-spec-macros and not the distribution.
  Only check if it's defined in kernel-spec-macros, not everywhere where
  it's used.
- commit a6ad8af

- nvme: remove nvme_alloc_request and nvme_alloc_request_qid
  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-delay-error-recovery-until-the-next-kato.patch
- commit 6fc2117

- rpm templates: Move macro definitions below buildrequires
  Many of the rpm macros defined in the kernel packages depend directly or
  indirectly on script execution. OBS cannot execute scripts which means
  values of these macros cannot be used in tags that are required for OBS
  to see such as package name, buildrequires or buildarch.
  Accumulate macro definitions that are not directly expanded by mkspec
  below buildrequires and buildarch to make this distinction clear.
- commit 89eaf4c

- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add GCC_ASM_GOTO_OUTPUT_WORKAROUND to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
  Introduced by commit 68fb3ca0e408 ("update workarounds for gcc "asm
  goto" issue").
- commit be1bdab

- net: openvswitch: limit the number of recursions from action
  sets (bsc#1219835 CVE-2024-1151).
- commit ed2fd55

- README.BRANCH: use correct mail for Roy
- commit 6f3c32f

- compute-PATCHVERSION: Do not produce output when awk fails
  compute-PATCHVERSION uses awk to produce a shell script that is
  subsequently executed to update shell variables which are then printed
  as the patchversion.
  Some versions of awk, most notably bysybox-gawk do not understand the
  awk program and fail to run. This results in no script generated as
  output, and printing the initial values of the shell variables as
  the patchversion.
  When the awk program fails to run produce 'exit 1' as the shell script
  to run instead. That prevents printing the stale values, generates no
  output, and generates invalid rpm spec file down the line. Then the
  problem is flagged early and should be easier to diagnose.
- commit 8ef8383

- nvme: move nvme_stop_keep_alive() back to original position
- commit b945fa0

- x86/asm: Add _ASM_RIP() macro for x86-64 (%rip) suffix (git-fixes).
- commit 636fc4c

- KVM: VMX: Move VERW closer to VMentry for MDS mitigation (git-fixes).
- KVM: VMX: Use BT+JNC, i.e. EFLAGS.CF to select VMRESUME vs. VMLAUNCH (git-fixes).
- x86/bugs: Use ALTERNATIVE() instead of mds_user_clear static key (git-fixes).
  Also add the removed mds_user_clear symbol to kABI severities as it is
  exposed just for KVM module and is generally a core kernel component so
  removing it is low risk.
- x86/entry_32: Add VERW just before userspace transition (git-fixes).
- x86/entry_64: Add VERW just before userspace transition (git-fixes).
- x86/bugs: Add asm helpers for executing VERW (git-fixes).
- commit 5b0be3c

- netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule removal from chain binding
  (bsc#1218216 CVE-2023-5197).
- commit d7a1a4d

- netfilter: nf_tables: skip bound chain in netns release path
  (bsc#1218216 CVE-2023-5197).
- commit af879c8

- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (bsc#1211515).
- commit 13f904b

- net/rds: Fix UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in rds_cmsg_recv
  (bsc#1219127 CVE-2024-23849).
- commit 43577c1

- kernel-binary: Move build script to the end
  All other spec templates have the build script at the end, only
  kernel-binary has it in the middle. Align with the other templates.
- commit 98cbdd0

- rpm templates: Aggregate subpackage descriptions
  While in some cases the package tags, description, scriptlets and
  filelist are located together in other cases they are all across the
  spec file. Aggregate the information related to a subpackage in one
- commit 8eeb08c

- rpm templates: sort rpm tags
  The rpm tags in kernel spec files are sorted at random.
  Make the order of rpm tags somewhat more consistent across rpm spec
- commit 8875c35

- dm: limit the number of targets and parameter size area
  (bsc#1219827, bsc#1219146, CVE-2023-52429, CVE-2024-23851).
- commit 26dc83e

- Fix unresolved hunks in README.BRANCH
- commit 99bb861

- NFS: avoid infinite loop in pnfs_update_layout (bsc#1219633).
- commit b6a1f9a
- Fix memory leaks, add patch 0012-Fix-two-unlikely-memory-leaks.patch
  * CVE-2024-26458, bsc#1220770
  * CVE-2024-26461, bsc#1220771
- Fix CVE-2024-32487, mishandling of \n character in paths when
  LESSOPEN is set leads to OS command execution
  (CVE-2024-32487, bsc#1222849)
  * CVE-2024-32487.patch

- Fix CVE-2022-48624, LESSCLOSE handling in less does not quote shell
  metacharacters, bsc#1219901
  * CVE-2022-48624.patch
- Add gcc13-pr111731.patch to fix unwinding for JIT code.

- Revert libgccjit dependency change.  [boo#1220724]

- Fix libgccjit-devel dependency, a newer shared library is OK.
- Fix libgccjit dependency, the corresponding compiler isn't required.

- Use %patch -P N instead of %patchN.

- Add gcc13-sanitizer-remove-crypt-interception.patch to remove
  crypt and crypt_r interceptors.  The crypt API change in SLE15 SP3
  breaks them.  [bsc#1219520]

- Update to gcc-13 branch head, 67ac78caf31f7cb3202177e642, git8285
- Add gcc13-pr88345-min-func-alignment.diff to add support for
  - fmin-function-alignment.  [bsc#1214934]

- Use %{_target_cpu} to determine host and build.

- Update to gcc-13 branch head, fc7d87e0ffadca49bec29b2107, git8250
  * Includes fix for building TVM.  [boo#1218492]

- Add cross-X-newlib-devel requires to newlib cross compilers.

- Package plugin in the gcc13-m2 sub-package rather than
  in gcc13-devel.  [boo#1210959]
- Require libstdc++6-devel-gcc13 from gcc13-m2 as m2 programs
  are linked against libstdc++6.

- Update to gcc-13 branch head, 36ddb5230f56a30317630a928, git8205

- Update to gcc-13 branch head, 741743c028dc00f27b9c8b1d5, git8109
  * Includes fix for building mariadb on i686.  [bsc#1217667]
  * Remove pr111411.patch contained in the update.

- Avoid update-alternatives dependency for accelerator crosses.
- Package tool links to llvm in cross-amdgcn-gcc13 rather than in
  cross-amdgcn-newlib13-devel since that also has the dependence.
- Depend on llvmVER instead of llvm with VER equal to
  %product_libs_llvm_ver where available and adjust tool discovery
  accordingly.  This should also properly trigger re-builds when
  the patchlevel version of llvmVER changes, possibly changing
  the binary names we link to.  [bsc#1217450]
- Add avahi-CVE-2023-38471.patch: Extract host name using
  avahi_unescape_label (bsc#1216594, CVE-2023-38471).
- Add avahi-CVE-2023-38469.patch: Reject overly long TXT resource
  records (bsc#1216598, CVE-2023-38469).
- Properly neutralize escape sequences in wall
  (util-linux-CVE-2024-28085.patch, bsc#1221831, CVE-2024-28085,
  and its prerequisites: util-linux-fputs_careful1.patch,

- Add upstream patch
  bsc#1220117 - L3-Question: Processes not cleaned up after failed SSH session are using up 100% CPU
- CVE-2024-25629.patch: fix out of bounds read in ares__read_line()
  (bsc#1220279, CVE-2024-25629)
- Security fix (boo#1221289, CVE-2024-28757): XML Entity Expansion
  attack when there is isolated use of external parsers.
  * Added expat-CVE-2024-28757.patch

- Security fix:
  * (CVE-2023-52425, bsc#1219559) denial of service (resource
    consumption) caused by processing large tokens.
  - Added patch expat-CVE-2023-52425-1.patch
  - Added patch expat-CVE-2023-52425-2.patch
  - Added patch expat-CVE-2023-52425-backport-parser-changes.patch
  - Added patch expat-CVE-2023-52425-fix-tests.patch
- Update to version 5.2.2
  * Fixes for CVE-2023-48161 (bsc#1217390), CVE-2022-28506
  * Address SF issue #138 Documentation for obsolete utilities still
  * Address SF issue #139: Typo in "LZW image data" page
    ("110_2 = 4_10")
  * Address SF issue #140: Typo in "LZW image data" page ("LWZ")
  * Address SF issue #141: Typo in "Bits and bytes" page ("filed")
  * Note as already fixed SF issue #143: cannot compile under mingw
  * Address SF issue #144: giflib-5.2.1 cannot be build on windows
    and other platforms using c89
  * Address SF issue #145: Remove manual pages installation for
    binaries that are not installed too
  * Address SF issue #146: [PATCH] Limit installed man pages to
    binaries, move giflib to section 7
  * Address SF issue #147 [PATCH] Fixes to doc/whatsinagif/ content
  * Address SF issue #148: heap Out of Bound Read in gif2rgb.c:298
  * Declared no-info on SF issue #150: There is a denial of service
    vulnerability in GIFLIB 5.2.1
  * Declared Won't-fix on SF issue 149: Out of source builds no
    longer possible
  * Address SF issue #151: A heap-buffer-overflow in gif2rgb.c:294:45
  * Address SF issue #152: Fix some typos on the html documentation
    and man pages
  * Address SF issue #153: Fix segmentation faults due to non
    correct checking for args
  * Address SF issue #154: Recover the giffilter manual page
  * Address SF issue #155: Add gifsponge docs
  * Address SF issue #157: An OutofMemory-Exception or Memory Leak
    in gif2rgb
  * Address SF issue #158: There is a null pointer problem in
  * Address SF issue #159 A heap-buffer-overflow in GIFLIB5.2.1
    DumpScreen2RGB() in gif2rgb.c:298:45
  * Address SF issue #163: detected memory leaks in
    openbsd_reallocarray giflib/openbsd-reallocarray.c
  * Address SF issue #164: detected memory leaks in GifMakeMapObject
  * Address SF issue #166: a read zero page leads segment fault in
    getarg.c and memory leaks in gif2rgb.c and gifmalloc.c
  * Address SF issue #167: Heap-Buffer Overflow during Image Saving
    in DumpScreen2RGB Function at Line 321 of gif2rgb.c
- Added patch:
  * giflib-5.2.2-no-imagemagick.patch
    + do not use ImageMagick to resize one gif file. It creates a
    build cycle.
  * 0001-Clean-up-memory-better-at-end-of-run-CVE-2021-40633.patch
    + upstream fix for CVE-2021-40633 (bsc#1200551)
- Modified patches:
  * PIE.patch
  * reproducible.patch
    + rediff to changed context

- Define make_build for distributions which do not define them in
  system macros

- add reproducible.patch to avoid timestamp patching in the build
  section and allowing it to build with -Werror=date-time
- Security fix: [bsc#1221747, CVE-2024-28835]
  * gnutls: certtool crash when verifying a certificate chain
  * Add gnutls-CVE-2024-28835.patch

- Security fix: [bsc#1221746, CVE-2024-28834]
  * gnutls: side-channel in the deterministic ECDSA
  * Add gnutls-CVE-2024-28834.patch

- jitterentropy: Release the memory of the entropy collector when
  using jitterentropy with phtreads as there is also a
  pre-intitization done in the main thread. [bsc#1221242]
  * Add gnutls-FIPS-jitterentropy-deinit-threads.patch
- Add patch ncurses-6.1-bsc1220061.patch (bsc#1220061, CVE-2023-45918)
  * Backport from ncurses-6.4-20230615.patch
    improve checks in convert_string() for corrupt terminfo entry
- port python-single-spec logic from Factory package to allow shipment of
  python311 modules as well (bsc#1219253).
- security update
- added patches
  fix CVE-2024-28182 [bsc#1221399], HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames can be utilized for DoS attacks
  + nghttp2-CVE-2024-28182-1.patch
  fix CVE-2024-28182-2 [bsc#1221399], HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames can be utilized for DoS attacks
  + nghttp2-CVE-2024-28182-2.patch
- Security fix: [bsc#1219243, CVE-2024-0727]
  * Add NULL checks where ContentInfo data can be NULL
  * Add openssl-CVE-2024-0727.patch
- Upgrade to 16.3 (bsc#1224051):
  * bsc#1224038, CVE-2024-4317: Restrict visibility of pg_stats_ext
    and pg_stats_ext_exprs entries to the table owner. See the
    release notes for the steps that have to be taken to fix
    existing PostgreSQL instances.
  * Fix incompatibility with LLVM 18.
- Prepare for PostgreSQL 17.
- Make sure all compilation and doc generation happens in %build.

- Require LLVM <= 17 for now, because LLVM 18 doesn't seem to work.

- Remove constraints file because improved memory usage for s390x

- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
- Add bpo38361-syslog-no-slash-ident.patch (bsc#1222109,
  gh#python/cpython!16557) fixes syslog making default "ident"
  from sys.argv[0].

- (bsc#1219666, CVE-2023-6597) Add
  CVE-2023-6597-TempDir-cleaning-symlink.patch (patch from
  gh#python/cpython!99930) fixing symlink bug in cleanup of
- Merge together bpo-36576-skip_tests_for_OpenSSL-111.patch into
  skip_SSL_tests.patch, and make them include all conditionals.
- Fix regression parsing IPv6 addresses provided as hostname (bsc#1220385)
  * Added libssh-fix-ipv6-hostname-regression.patch
- Allow "--rollback" flag to run on readonly filesystem (bsc#1220679)
- Don't try to refresh volatile media as long as raw metadata are
  present (bsc#1223094)
- version 17.32.5 (32)

- Fix creation of sibling cache dirs with too restrictive mode
  Some install workflows in YAST may lead to too restrictive (0700)
  raw cache directories in case of newly created repos. Later
  commands running with user privileges may not be able to access
  these repos.
- version 17.32.4 (32)

- Update RepoStatus fromCookieFile according to the files mtime
- TmpFile: Don't call chmod if makeSibling failed.
- version 17.32.3 (32)

- Fixup New VendorSupportOption flag VendorSupportSuperseded
  (jsc#OBS-301, jsc#PED-8014)
  Fixed the name of the keyword to "support_superseded" as it was
  agreed on in jsc#OBS-301.
- version 17.32.2 (32)

- Add resolver option 'removeUnneeded' to file weak remove jobs
  for unneeded packages (bsc#1175678)
- version 17.32.1 (32)

- Add resolver option 'removeOrphaned' for distupgrade
- New VendorSupportOption flag VendorSupportSuperseded
  (jsc#OBS-301, jsc#PED-8014)
- Tests: fix vsftpd.conf where SUSE and Fedora use different
  defaults (fixes #522)
- Add default stripe minimum (#529)
- Don't expose std::optional where YAST/PK explicitly use c++11.
- Digest: Avoid using the deprecated OPENSSL_config.
- version 17.32.0 (32)

- ProblemSolution::skipsPatchesOnly overload to handout the
- Remove https->http redirection exceptions for
- version 17.31.32 (22)
- bsc#1176006: Fix chage date miscalculation
  Add shadow-bsc1176006-chage-date.patch
- bsc#1188307: Fix passwd segfault
  Add shadow-bsc1188307-passwd-segfault.patch
- bsc#1203823: Remove pam_keyinit from PAM config files
  Remove pam_keyinit from PAM configuration.
  This was introduced for bsc#1144060.
- Upgrade to version 9.7
  * new Opcodes.V23 constant for Java 23
  * bug fixes
    + 318009: Unit test regression in dex2jar.
    + 318007: 'ClassNode#outerClass' has incorrect JavaDocs.
    + 318006: asm-bom packaging should be 'pom'.
    + 318003: The Textifier prints a supplementary space at the end
    of each method that throws at least one exception.
- Add patches from upstream to change the default value of
  UpdateHostKeys to Yes (unless VerifyHostKeyDNS is enabled).
  This makes ssh update the known_hosts stored keys with all
  published versions by the server (after it's authenticated
  with an existing key), which will allow to identify the
  server with a different key if the existing key is considered
  insecure at some point in the future (bsc#1222831).
  * 0001-upstream-enable-UpdateHostkeys-by-default-when-the.patch
  * 0002-upstream-disable-UpdateHostkeys-by-default-if.patch

- Add patches openssh-7.7p1-seccomp_getuid.patch and
  (bsc#1216474, bsc#1218871)

- Fix hostbased ssh login failing occasionally with "signature
  unverified: incorrect signature" by fixing a typo in patch
  * openssh-7.8p1-role-mls.patch
- Fix pam_gnome_keyring module for AUTH.
  [pam-config-fix-pam_gnome_keyring.patch, bsc#1219767]
- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#166
- log grub2-install errors correctly (bsc#1221470)
- 0.947

- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#161
- support old grub versions (<= 2.02) that used /usr/lib
- create EFI boot fallback directory if necessary
- 0.946
- fix space calculation issues in pp_pack.c [bnc#1082216]
  * new patch: perl-pack-overflow.diff
- fix heap buffer overflow in regexec.c [bnc#1082233]
  new patch: perl-regexec-heap-overflow.diff
- make Net::FTP work with TLS 1.3 [bnc#1213638]
  new patch: perl-net-ftp-tls13.diff
- fix postgresql vulnerable to SQL Injection via line comment
  generation CVE-2024-1597 (bsc#1220644)
  Added: CVE-2024-1597.patch
- change patching commands:
  Modified: fix-createTempFile-vulnerability-CVE-2022-41946.patch
- Upgrade to 14.12 (bsc#1224051):
  * bsc#1224038, CVE-2024-4317: Restrict visibility of pg_stats_ext
    and pg_stats_ext_exprs entries to the table owner. See the
    release notes for the steps that have to be taken to fix
    existing PostgreSQL instances.
  * Fix incompatibility with LLVM 18.
- Prepare for PostgreSQL 17.
- Make sure all compilation and doc generation happens in %build.

- Require LLVM <= 17 for now, because LLVM 18 doesn't seem to work.

- Remove constraints file because improved memory usage for s390x

- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
- Keep the existing config file (bsc#1222620)
  + During separation of the config file into subpackages it was forgotten
    that on update of the main package the previously provided config file
    would be removed. SInce we do not know which flavor of our images the
    package is being upgraded on, preserve the previously existing config
    file. This will orphan the file if non of the -config-* packages gets

- Do not force wicked dependency for networking, allow NM in SLE Micro 5.5
  and for ALP based products
- Change patch syntax in preparetion for RPM 4.20

- Recognise SLE-Micro as a SLE based distro
  + Add agent-micro-is-sles.patch

- Create sub-packages for the config (jsc#PED-7869)
  + Remove config manipulation from image building
  + Set up a config for SLE-Micro
  + Makes deafult upstream config available
- Update to (bsc#1217301, bsc#1217302)
  + Update remove-mock.patch
  + Download certificates when goal state source is fast track #2761
  + Increase the max number of extension events by 20% #2785
  + Remove version suffix from extension slice #2782
  + Support int type for eventPid and eventTid fields #2786
  + Improve log for swap counter not found #2789
  + Remove cgroup files during deprovisioning #2790
  + Log VM architecture in heartbeat telemetry for arm64 adoption
    monitoring #2818
  + Enforce memory usage for agent #2671
  + Use common download logic for agent downloads #2682
  + Implement Fedora distro #2642
  + Report message in handler heartbeat #2688
  + Remove dependency on pathlib from makepkg #2717
  + Do not fetch extensions goal state in log collector #2713
  + Update log collector unit file to remove memory limit #2757
  + Fix bug in get_dhcp_pid (CoreOS) #2784
  + Fetch full distro version for mariner #2773
  From 2.9.04
  + Resource Governance on extensions (CPU monitoring and enforcing & Memory
    monitoring) #2632 #2581 #2555
  + Agent resource governance #2597 #2591 #2546
  + monitor system-wide memory metrics (#2610)
  + Additional telemetry for goal state (#2675)
  + HostGAPlugin usage improvements #2662 #2673 #2655 #2651
  + Add logging statements for mrseq migration during update (#2667)
  + Logcollector memory usage #2658 #2637
  + Update Log Collector default in Comments and Readme (#2608)
  + Improve telemetry success and failure markers (#2605) #2604 #2599
  + Fix formatting of exceptions on Python 3.10
    (traceback.format's etype argument) (#2663)
  + Fix UNKNOWN(Zombie) Process in unexpected processes check (#2644)
  + SUSE: Fix valid values for DHCLIENT_HOSTNAME_OPTION (#2643)
  + Debian - string conversion for systemd service (#2574)
  + Do not set a CPU quota on the agent for RHEL and Centos (#2685) #2689 #2693
  + support rhel distro (#2620) #2598
  + Added support for devuan linux distribution (#2553)
  No incremental updates between 2.8.011 and

- Clean up conditions in spec file:
  + There is no maintained distro > 1315 (SLE12) AND < 1500
    (SLE15). Only openSUSE 13.2 and 13.3 lived in that space, but
    they are clearly not the target of this spec file.
  + if 0%{?Suse_version} && 0{?suse_version} > 1315: no need to
    first validate suse_version being defined: whenever it
    is > 1315, must be defined.

- Add patch remove-mock.patch:
  * Use unittest.mock first, falling back to mock if required.
- Tighten Requires against python3-mock.
- Add CVE-2024-34064.patch upstream patch
  (CVE-2024-34064, bsc#1223980, gh#pallets/jinja@0668239dc6b4)
  Also fixes (CVE-2024-22195, bsc#1218722)
- Add CVE-2024-34069.patch, restrict debugger trusted hosts.
  (bsc#1223979, CVE-2024-34069, gh#pallets/werkzeug@3386395b24c7)
- Use update-alternatives for cheroot binary, bsc#1223694
- Update to version 0.5.1:
  * Cast file path to a string for usage
- Add CVE-2024-3651.patch, backported from upstream commit
  (bsc#1222842, CVE-2024-3651)
- Add CVE-2024-35195.patch (CVE-2024-35195, bsc#1224788)
- Add httpbin.patch to fix a test failure caused by the previous patch.
- Make "man" a recommended package instead of required

- Convert oscap output to UTF-8
- Make Salt compatible with Python 3.11
- Ignore non-ascii chars in oscap output (bsc#1219001)
- Fix detected issues in Salt tests when running on VMs
- Make importing seco.range thread safe (bsc#1211649)
- Fix problematic tests and allow smooth tests executions
  on containers
- Discover Ansible playbook files as "*.yml" or "*.yaml"
  files (bsc#1211888)
- Provide user(salt)/group(salt) capabilities for RPM 4.19
- Extend dependencies for python3-salt-testsuite
  and python3-salt packages
- Improve Salt and testsuite packages multibuild
- Enable multibuilld and create test flavor
- Prevent exceptions with fileserver.update when called
  via state (bsc#1218482)
- Improve pip target override condition with VENV_PIP_TARGET
  environment variable (bsc#1216850)
- Fixed KeyError in logs when running a state that fails
- Added:
  * fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch
  * decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch
  * fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch
  * make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch
  * improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch
  * allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch
  * fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch
  * discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch
  * fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch
  * switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch
- version 4.3.23-0
  * Fix liberty bootstrapping when zypper is installed (bsc#1222347)
  * Apply reboot method changes for transactional systems in the bootstrap script
- version 4.3.19-0
  * Update translation strings
- Use update-alternatives for calc-prorate binary, bsc#1223694
- version 4.3.10-0
  * Add support for package signature type V4 RSA/SHA384
  * Add support for package signature type V4 RSA/SHA512 (bsc#1221465)
- 15.4.20240119 (tracked in bsc#933411)
- Added sysctl_net_core_bpf_jit_limit to kernel parameter changes
- Added note about sched parameter deprecation (bsc#1216929)
- Added note about set-hostname deprecation (bsc#1215156)
- Changed wording of bsc#1201266
- Added note about Xen Dom0 suspend/resume (bsc#1210490)
- Update to SUSE Manager 4.3.12
  * Monitoring: Node exporter upgraded to 1.7.0
  * Automatic migration from Salt 3000 to the Salt Bundle
  * New update-salt recurring state
  * uyuni-proxy-systemd-services package has been added to proxy
  * New Errata getRelevantErrata API endpoint
  * CVEs fixed:
  * Bugs mentioned:
    bsc#1170848, bsc#1208572, bsc#1214340, bsc#1214387, bsc#1216085
    bsc#1217204, bsc#1217874, bsc#1218764, bsc#1218805, bsc#1218931
    bsc#1218957, bsc#1219061, bsc#1219233, bsc#1219634, bsc#1219875
    bsc#1220101, bsc#1220169, bsc#1220194, bsc#1220221, bsc#1220376
    bsc#1220705, bsc#1220726, bsc#1220903, bsc#1220980, bsc#1221111
    bsc#1221182, bsc#1221279, bsc#1221465, bsc#1221571, bsc#1221784
    bsc#1221922, bsc#1222110, bsc#1222347

- Update to SUSE Manager
  * Availability of Virtual Machine images for
    SUSE Manager Server 4.3
- implement subkey binding signature checking [bsc#1191175]
  * new patch: verifybindingsig.diff

- accept more signature subpackets marked as critical [bsc#1218686]
  * new patch: accept-crit-subpkt.diff
- backport limit support for the autopatch macro [bsc#1189495]
  * new patch: autopatch.diff

- backport signature reserved space handling from upstream
  * new patch: sigreserved.diff

- turn on imaevm file signature support and move the imaevm code
  that needs the libimaevm library into a plugin. Put this
  plugin into a new "rpm-imaevmsign" subpackage. [jsc#PED-7246]
  * new patch: imaevmsignplugin.diff
- remove imaevmsign plugin from rpm-ndb [bsc#1222259]
- Add upstream patch <> to
  properly fix -ENOSYS stub on ppc64le. bsc#1192051 bsc#1221050
  + 0001-bsc1221050-libct-seccomp-patchbpf-rm-duplicated-code.patch
  + 0002-bsc1221050-seccomp-patchbpf-rename-nativeArch-linuxA.patch
  + 0003-bsc1221050-seccomp-patchbpf-always-include-native-ar.patch
- 0001-sed-set-correct-umask-on-temporary-files.patch
  Fix for bsc#1221218
- Version 1.7.13
  * postmaster no longer exists from >=16 and it's an alias
    for postgresql, using postgresql command
- version 4.3.27-0
  * Update translation strings
- version 4.3.28-0
  * Strip whitespace from .deb package metadata (bsc#1214387)
  * Fix inserting NULL into some columns during ISSv1 sync (bsc#1220980)
  * Add support for package signature type V4 RSA/SHA512 (bsc#1221465)
  * Unquote HTML-encoded credentials before synchronizing repositories (bsc#1217204)
- version 4.3.38-0
  * Upgrade json5 to 2.2.3
  * Upgrade semver to 7.6.0
  * Add one-shot action execution to recurring custom state
  * Add two filters for rpmlint in package spacewalk-web:
    explicit-lib-dependency and filename-too-long-for-joliet
  * Added: spacewalk-web-rpmlintrc
  * Fix virtual systems filters (bsc#1208572)
  * Improve CLM Create New Filter button
  * Bump the WebUI version to 4.3.12
- version 4.3.13-0
  * Be explicit about default Apache configs being overwritten on
    updates and point to making custom configs. (bsc#1219061)
- version 4.3.75-0
  * Fix status icon of the systems overview list (bsc#1224012)

- version 4.3.74-0
  * Fix status icon and base channel of the virtual systems list (bsc#1224012)

- version 4.3.73-0
  * New API endpoint for getRelevantErrata. It takes multiple
    servers as argument and it returns an array of maps
    representing the errata that can be applied to each system

- version 4.3.72-0
  * Use execution module call to detect client instance flavor
    (PAYG/BYOS) in public cloud (bsc#1218805)
  * Update help text for the custom repo filter field (bsc#1217874)
  * Fix issue where Salt cannot access autoinstallation files
  * Fix issue when checking for credential duplication
  * Fix matching epoch while creating Ubuntu erratas
  * When an action that belongs to an action chain is unscheduled,
    unschedule the action chain as well (bsc#1221784)
  * Reschedule failed SSH actions caused by a connection error due
    to a scheduled reboot
  * Fix removal of old IPv6 addresses (bsc#1214340)
  * Do not automatically add child channels outside of selected
    base channel (bsc#1220101)
  * Fix listProxies API call (bsc#1219233)
  * Fix system.provisionSystem when called via HTTP API (bsc#1219875)
  * Remove package sync not available message in
    Software > Packages > Profile since it is no longer available
    for supported clients (bsc#1221279)
  * Fix login for read-only users when using HTTP API (bsc#1221111)
  * Add one-shot action execution to recurring custom state
  * Fix a typo in 'Deploy Files' page
  * Drop system password as identifier on SCC system registration
    (bsc#1219634, bsc#1221182)
  * Fix memory size extraction in virtual instances (bsc#1219634)
  * Fix virtual systems filters (bsc#1208572)
  * Update license to include the year 2024
  * Add timeout for SMTP server connection (bsc#1218931)
  * Commit Salt event removal in case of process failure (bsc#1218931)
  * Users with API read only are only allowed to make GET requests
  * Ignore retry suffix when getting recurring action id from
    schedule name
  * Sort CLM project filters by filter name
- Version 0.37
  * add missing part number (bsc#1221922)
  * Fix penalties logging by initializing the score director
- adapt spec file to use original tar ball

- Removed wrong apache-commons-lang dependency
- Version 0.36
  * Fixed Log4j 2 initialization
- Fix NOPASSWD issue introduced by patches for CVE-2023-42465
  [bsc#1221151, bsc#1221134]
  * Update sudo-CVE-2023-42465-1of2.patch sudo-CVE-2023-42465-2of2.patch
  * Enable running regression selftests during build time.

- Security fix: [bsc#1219026, bsc#1220389, CVE-2023-42465]
  * Try to make sudo less vulnerable to ROWHAMMER attacks.
  * Add sudo-CVE-2023-42465-1of2.patch sudo-CVE-2023-42465-2of2.patch
- version 4.3.11-0
  * Add Salt and Reposync connections to minimum required DB
    connections calculation
- Changes in version 3.1.30
  + Added -V key:value pair option (bsc#1222021, PED-8211)
  + Avoid getting duplicate kernel verifications in boot.text (pr#193)
  + Suppress file descriptor leak warnings from lvm commands (pr#192, bsc#1220082)
  + Includes container log timestamps (pr#197)

- Changes to version 3.1.29
  + Extended scaling for performance (bsc#1214713)
  + Fixed kdumptool output error (bsc#1218632)
  + Corrected podman ID errors (bsc#1218812)
  + Duplicate non root podman entries removed (bsc#1218814)
  + Corrected get_sles_ver for SLE Micro (bsc#1219241)
  + Check nvidida-persistenced state (bsc#1219639)
- Switch container key to be default RSA 4096bit. (jsc#PED-2777)
- Removed Debian 10 from the list of supported clients
- Added new workflow describing updating of clients using recurring
  actions to Commown Workflows
- Added documentation on adding a storage device for VMWare
- Documented registercloudguest tools for registering public cloud
  installation (BYOS) by adding a reference to the Public Cloud
- Added information about requirements for the PostgreSQL database
  to the Installation and Upgrade Guide (bsc#1220376)
- Fixed the instructions for SSL Certificates (bsc#1219061)
- Remove package sync paragraph in package-management doc since
  it is not available for Salt clients and traditional clients are
  no longer supported (bsc#1221279)
- Fixed incorrect reference to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
  as base product for SUSE Manager 4.3, even in public cloud
- Updated VM based installation for 4.3 VM image with ignition or
  cloudinit in Installation and Upgrade Guide
- Added reference from Hub documentation to Inter-Server
  Synchronization in Large Deployment Guide
- Documented Virtualization Guest and Virtualization Host Formula
- Reformatted Supported Clients tables in Client Configuration Guide
  and Installation and Upgrade Guide
- Add documentation about SMTP timeout configuration
- Documented SSH key rotation in Salt Guide (bsc#1170848)
- Documented liberate formula in Salt Guide
- Fixed Prepare on-demand images section in Client Configuration
- Fixed a changed configuration parameter for salt-ssh
- Added Pay-as-you-go on the Cloud: FAQ document
- Updated max-connections tuning recommendation in Large Deployment
- Added troubleshooting instructions for setting up in public cloud
  (BYOS) to Administration Guide
- Added section about migrating Enterprise Linux (EL) clients to
  SUSE Liberty Linux to Client Configuration Guide
- Added detailed information about the messages produced by
  subscription matcher
- Added Pay-as-you-go as supported service on Azure to the Public
  Cloud Guide
- Added and fixed configuration details in Troubleshooting Renaming
  Server in Administration Guide
- version 4.3.25-0
  * Add update-salt to internal state table
- version 4.3.41-0
  * Use execution module call to detect client instance flavor
    (PAYG/BYOS) in public cloud (bsc#1218805)
  * Do not log dnf needs-restarting output in Salt's log (bsc#1220194)
  * Dynamically load an SELinux policy for "Push via SSH tunnel"
    for SELinux enabled clients. This policy allows communication
    over a custom SSH port
  * Fix reboot needed detection for SUSE systems
  * Fix SUSE Liberty Linux bootstrapping when Zypper is installed
  * Distinguish between different SUSE versions when detecting if a
    reboot is needed (bsc#1220903, bsc#1221571)
  * Improve updatestack update in uptodate state
  * Add a standalone update-salt state
  * Add pillar check to skip reboot_if_needed state
  * Recognize .tar.xz and .ext4 image files (bsc#1216085)
  * Avoid issues on reactivating traditional clients as Salt managed
  * Fix the case of missing requisites on bootstrap (bsc#1220705)
- version 4.3.17-0
  * AlmaLinux 9 PowerTools was renamed into CRB (bsc#1222110)
- version 4.3.35-0
  * Add bootstrap repository definition for openSUSE Leap 15.6
  * Add bootstrap repository definition for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6
- Import 0.10
  5088997 SLE: Disable pids controller limit under user instances (jsc#SLE-10123)

- Import 0.9
  bb859bf user@.service: Disable controllers by default (jsc#PED-2276)

- The usage of drop-ins is now the official way for configuring systemd and its
  various daemons on Factory/ALP. Hence the early drop-ins SUSE specific
  "feature" has been abandoned.

- Import 0.8
  f34372f User priority '26' for SLE-Micro
  c8b6f0a Revert "Convert more drop-ins into early ones"

- Import commit 6b8dde1d4f867aff713af6d6830510a84fad58d2
  6b8dde1 Convert more drop-ins into early ones
- Enable sysctl-logger (jsc#PED-5024)
- Split hcn-init.service to hcn-init-NetworkManager and hcn-init-wicked
  (bsc#1200731 ltc#198485
  Support both the old and new service to avoid complex version interdependency.
- Bump version to 15

- Order packages that requires systemd after systemd-sysvcompat when this part
  of the transaction (bsc#1217964)
  systemd-sysvcompat has been introduced recently and contains the compatibility
  scripts used to support SysV init scripts. Make sure that the packages ordered
  after systemd are also ordered after systemd-sysvcompat so theirs rpm
  scriptlets can still rely on the compat scripts.
  On distributions where systemd-sysvcompat doesn't exist, the new ordering
  constraint should be a nop.
- Allow enabling the service via `systemctl enable tftp` to create
  the tftp.socket symlink [bsc#1215520]
- update to 2024a:
  * Kazakhstan unifies on UTC+5.  This affects Asia/Almaty and
    Asia/Qostanay which together represent the eastern portion of the
    country that will transition from UTC+6 on 2024-03-01 at 00:00 to
    join the western portion.  (Thanks to Zhanbolat Raimbekov.)
  * Palestine springs forward a week later than previously predicted
    in 2024 and 2025.  (Thanks to Heba Hamad.)  Change spring-forward
    predictions to the second Saturday after Ramadan, not the first;
    this also affects other predictions starting in 2039.
  * Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh's 1955-07-01 transition occurred at 01:00
    not 00:00.  (Thanks to Đoàn Trần Công Danh.)
  * From 1947 through 1949, Toronto's transitions occurred at 02:00
    not 00:00.  (Thanks to Chris Walton.)
  * In 1911 Miquelon adopted standard time on June 15, not May 15.
  * The FROM and TO columns of Rule lines can no longer be "minimum"
    or an abbreviation of "minimum", because TZif files do not support
    DST rules that extend into the indefinite past - although these
    rules were supported when TZif files had only 32-bit data, this
    stopped working when 64-bit TZif files were introduced in 1995.
    This should not be a problem for realistic data, since DST was
    first used in the 20th century.  As a transition aid, FROM columns
    like "minimum" are now diagnosed and then treated as if they were
    the year 1900; this should suffice for TZif files on old systems
    with only 32-bit time_t, and it is more compatible with bugs in
    2023c-and-earlier localtime.c.  (Problem reported by Yoshito
  * localtime and related functions no longer mishandle some
    timestamps that occur about 400 years after a switch to a time
    zone with a DST schedule.  In 2023d data this problem was visible
    for some timestamps in November 2422, November 2822, etc. in
    America/Ciudad_Juarez.  (Problem reported by Gilmore Davidson.)
  * strftime %s now uses tm_gmtoff if available.  (Problem and draft
    patch reported by Dag-Erling Smørgrav.)
  * The strftime man page documents which struct tm members affect
    which conversion specs, and that tzset is called.  (Problems
    reported by Robert Elz and Steve Summit.)

- update to 2023d:
  * Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland changes time zones on
  * Vostok, Antarctica changed time zones on 2023-12-18.
  * Casey, Antarctica changed time zones five times since
  * Code and data fixes for Palestine timestamps starting in
  * A new data file for timestamps starting now.
  * Fix predictions for DST transitions in Palestine in
    2072-2075, correcting a typo introduced in 2023a.
  * Vostok, Antarctica changed to +05 on 2023-12-18.  It had
    been at +07 (not +06) for years.
  * Change data for Casey, Antarctica to agree with, by adding five time zone changes since 2020.
    Casey is now at +08 instead of +11.
  * Much of Greenland, represented by America/Nuuk, changed
    its standard time from -03 to -02 on 2023-03-25, not on
  * localtime.c no longer mishandles TZif files that contain
    a single transition into a DST regime.  Previously,
    it incorrectly assumed DST was in effect before the transition
  * tzselect no longer creates temporary files.
  * tzselect no longer mishandles the following:
  * Spaces and most other special characters in BUGEMAIL,
  * TZ strings when using mawk 1.4.3, which mishandles
    regular expressions of the form /X{2,}/.
  * ISO 6709 coordinates when using an awk that lacks the
    GNU extension of newlines in -v option-arguments.
  * Non UTF-8 locales when using an iconv command that
    lacks the GNU //TRANSLIT extension.
  * zic no longer mishandles data for Palestine after the
    year 2075.
- Refresh tzdata-china.diff
- Update to Tomcat 9.0.87
  * Fixed CVEs:
    + CVE-2024-24549: Improved request header validation for HTTP/2 stream
    + CVE-2024-23672: Ensure that WebSocket connection closure completes if
    the connection is closed when the server side has used the proprietary
    suspend/resume feature to suspend the connection (bsc#1221385)
  * Catalina
    + Fix:  Minor performance improvement for building filter chains. Based
    on ideas from #702 by Luke Miao. (remm)
    + Fix:  Align error handling for Writer and OutputStream. Ensure use of
    either once the response has been recycled triggers a
    NullPointerException provided that discardFacades is configured with
    the default value of true. (markt)
    + Fix:  68692: The standard thread pool implementations that are configured
    using the Executor element now implement ExecutorService for better
    support NIO2. (remm)
    + Fix:  68495: When restoring a saved POST request after a successful FORM
    authentication, ensure that neither the URI, the query string nor the
    protocol are corrupted when restoring the request body. (markt)
    + Fix:  68721: Workaround a possible cause of duplicate class definitions
    when using ClassFileTransformers and the transformation of a class also
    triggers the loading of the same class. (markt)
    + Fix:  The rewrite valve should not do a rewrite if the output is
    identical to the input. (remm)
    + Update:  Add a new valveSkip (or VS) rule flag to the rewrite valve to
    allow skipping over the next valve in the Catalina pipeline. (remm)
    + Fix:  Correct JPMS and OSGi meta-data for tomcat-enbed-core.jar by
    removing reference to org.apache.catalina.ssi package that is no longer
    included in the JAR. Based on pull request #684 by Jendrik Johannes.
    + Fix:  Fix ServiceBindingPropertySource so that trailing \r\n sequences
    are correctly removed from files containing property values when
    configured to do so. Bug identified by Coverity Scan. (markt)
    + Add:  Add improvements to the CSRF prevention filter including the
    ability to skip adding nonces for resource name and subtree URL patterns.
    + Fix:  Review usage of debug logging and downgrade trace or data dumping
    operations from debug level to trace. (remm)
    + Fix:  68089: Further improve the performance of request attribute
    access for ApplicationHttpRequest and ApplicationRequest. (markt)
    + Fix:  68559: Allow asynchronous error handling to write to the
    response after an error during asynchronous processing. (markt)
  * Coyote
    + Fix:  Improve the HTTP/2 stream prioritisation process. If a stream
    uses all of the connection windows and still has content to write, it
    will now be added to the backlog immediately rather than waiting until
    the write  attempt for the remaining content. (markt)
    + Fix:  Make asynchronous error handling more robust. Ensure that once
    a connection is marked to be closed, further asynchronous processing
    cannot change that. (markt)
    + Fix:  Make asynchronous error handling more robust. Ensure that once
    the call to AsyncListener.onError() has returned to the container, only
    container threads can access the AsyncContext. This protects against
    various race conditions that woudl otherwise occur if application threads
    continued to access the AsyncContext.
    + Fix:  Review usage of debug logging and downgrade trace or data
    dumping operations from debug level to trace. In particular, most of the
    HTTP/2 debug logging has been changed to trace level. (remm)
    + Fix:  Add support for user provided SSLContext instances configured
    on SSLHostConfigCertificate instances. Based on pull request #673
    provided by Hakan Altındağ. (markt)
    + Fix:  Improve the Tomcat Native shutdown process to reduce the likelihood
    of a JVM crash during Tomcat shutdown. (markt)
    + Fix:  Partial fix for 68558: Cache the result of converting to String
    for request URI, HTTP header names and the request Content-Type value to
    improve performance by reducing repeated byte[] to String conversions.
    + Fix:  Improve error reporting to HTTP/2 clients for header processing
    errors by reporting problems at the end of the frame where the error was
    detected rather than at the end of the headers. (markt)
    + Fix:  Remove the remaining reference to a stream once the stream has
    been recycled. This makes the stream eligible for garbage collection
    earlier and thereby improves scalability. (markt)
  * Jasper
    + Add:  Add support for specifying Java 22 (with the value 22) as the
    compiler source and/or compiler target for JSP compilation. If used with
    an  Eclipse JDT compiler version that does not support these values, a
    warning will be logged and the default will used. (markt)
    + Fix:  68546: Generate optimal size and types for JSP imports maps, as
    suggested by John Engebretson. (remm)
    + Fix:  Review usage of debug logging and downgrade trace or data
    dumping operations from debug level to trace. (remm)
  * Cluster
    + Fix:  Avoid updating request count stats on async. (remm)
  * WebSocket
    + Fix:  Correct a regression in the fix for 66508 that could cause an
    UpgradeProcessor leak in some circumstances. (markt)
    + Fix:  Review usage of debug logging and downgrade trace or data dumping
    operations from debug level to trace. (remm)
    + Fix:  Ensure that WebSocket connection closure completes if the
    connection is closed when the server side has used the proprietary
    suspend/resume feature to suspend the connection. (markt)
  * Web applications
    + Add:  Add support for responses in JSON format from the examples
    application RequestHeaderExample. (schultz)
  * Other
    + Add:  Improvements to French translations. (remm)
    + Add:  Improvements to Japanese translations by tak7iji. (markt)
    + Update:  Update Checkstyle to 10.13.0. (markt)
    + Update:  Update JSign to 6.0. (markt)
    + Update:  Add strings for debug level messages. (remm)
    + Update:  Update Tomcat Native to 1.3.0. (markt)
    + Add:  Improvements to French translations. (remm)
    + Add:  Improvements to Japanese translations by tak7iji. (markt)

- Add missing Requires(post): util-linux to have runuser into post

- Add %%systemd_ordering to packages with systemd unit files, so
  that the order is the right one if those packages find themselves
  in the same transaction with systemd

- Link ecj.jar into the install instead of copying it

- rpm 4.19 requires dependencies on tomcat user and group (bsc#1219530)
- Properly neutralize escape sequences in wall
  (util-linux-CVE-2024-28085.patch, bsc#1221831, CVE-2024-28085,
  and its prerequisites: util-linux-fputs_careful1.patch,

- Add upstream patch
  bsc#1220117 - L3-Question: Processes not cleaned up after failed SSH session are using up 100% CPU

- Add upstream patch
  bsc#1207987 gh#util-linux/util-linux@1d98827edde4
- version 4.3.10-0
  * Provide reportdb upgrade schema path structure
- Updated to version 9.1 with patch level 0330, fixes the following problems
  * Fixing bsc#1220763 - vim gets Segmentation fault after updating to version 9.1.0111-150500.20.9.1
- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch
- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch
- Update spec.skeleton to use autosetup in place of setup macro.
- for the complete list of changes see

- Updated to version 9.1 with patch level 0111, fixes the following security problems
  * Fixing bsc#1217316 (CVE-2023-48231) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48231: vim: Use-After-Free in win_close()
  * Fixing bsc#1217320 (CVE-2023-48232) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48232: vim: Floating point Exception in adjust_plines_for_skipcol()
  * Fixing bsc#1217321 (CVE-2023-48233) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48233: vim: overflow with count for :s command
  * Fixing bsc#1217324 (CVE-2023-48234) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48234: vim: overflow in nv_z_get_count
  * Fixing bsc#1217326 (CVE-2023-48235) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48235: vim: overflow in ex address parsing
  * Fixing bsc#1217329 (CVE-2023-48236) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48236: vim: overflow in get_number
  * Fixing bsc#1217330 (CVE-2023-48237) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48237: vim: overflow in shift_line
  * Fixing bsc#1217432 (CVE-2023-48706) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48706: vim: heap-use-after-free in ex_substitute
  * Fixing bsc#1219581 (CVE-2024-22667) - VUL-0: CVE-2024-22667: vim: stack-based buffer overflow in did_set_langmap function in map.c
  * Fixing bsc#1215005 (CVE-2023-4750) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4750: vim: Heap use-after-free in function bt_quickfix
- for the complete list of changes see
- client: fix ifreload to pull UP ports/links again when the config
  of their master/lower changed (bsc#1224100,gh#openSUSE/wicked#1014).
  [+ 0001-ifreload-pull-UP-again-on-master-lower-changes-bsc1224100.patch]

- Update to version 0.6.75:
  - cleanup: fix ni_fsm_state_t enum-int-mismatch warnings
  - cleanup: fix overflow warnings in a socket testcase on i586
  - ifcheck: report new and deleted configs as changed (bsc#1218926)
  - man: improve ARP configuration options in the wicked-config.5
  - bond: add ports when master is UP to avoid port MTU revert (bsc#1219108)
  - cleanup: fix interface dependencies and shutdown order (bsc#1205604)
  - Remove port arrays from bond,team,bridge,ovs-bridge (redundant)
    and consistently use config and state info attached to the port
    interface as in rtnetlink(7).
  - Cleanup ifcfg parsing, schema configuration and service properties
  - Migrate ports in xml config and policies already applied in nanny
  - Remove "missed config" generation from finite state machine, which
    is completed while parsing the config or while xml config migration.
  - Issue a warning when "lower" interface (e.g. eth0) config is missed
    while parsing config depending on it (e.g. eth0.42 vlan).
  - Resolve ovs master to the effective bridge in config and wickedd
  - Implement netif-check-state require checks using system relations
    from wickedd/kernel instead of config relations for ifdown and add
    linkDown and deleteDevice checks to all master and lower references.
  - Add a `wicked <ifup|ifdown|ifreload> --dry-run …` option to show the
    system/config interface hierarchies as notice with +/- marked
    interfaces to setup and/or shutdown.
- Removed patches included in the source archive:
  [- 0001-addrconf-fix-fallback-lease-drop-bsc-1220996.patch]
  [- 0002-extensions-nbft-replace-nvme-show-nbft-with-nvme-nbf.patch]
  [- 0003-move-all-attribute-definitions-to-compiler-h.patch]
  [- 0004-hide-secrets-in-debug-log-bsc-1221194.patch]
  [- 0005-client-do-to-not-convert-sec-to-msec-twice-bsc-1222105.patch]

- client: do not convert sec to msec twice (bsc#1222105)
  [+ 0005-client-do-to-not-convert-sec-to-msec-twice-bsc-1222105.patch]

- addrconf: fix fallback-lease drop (bsc#1220996)
  [+ 0001-addrconf-fix-fallback-lease-drop-bsc-1220996.patch]
- extensions/nbft: use upstream `nvme nbft show` (bsc#1221358)
  [+ 0002-extensions-nbft-replace-nvme-show-nbft-with-nvme-nbf.patch]
- hide secrets in debug log (bsc#1221194)
  [+ 0003-move-all-attribute-definitions-to-compiler-h.patch]
  [+ 0004-hide-secrets-in-debug-log-bsc-1221194.patch]

- update to version 0.6.74
  + team: add new options like link_watch_policy (jsc#PED-7183)
  + Fix memory leaks in dbus variant destroy and fsm free (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1001)
  + xpath: allow underscore in node identifier (gh#openSUSE/wicked#999)
  + vxlan: don't format unknown rtnl attrs (bsc#1219751)
- removed patches included in the source archive:
  [- 0009-ifreload-VLAN-changes-require-device-deletion-bsc-12.patch]
  [- 0008-ifcheck-fix-config-changed-check-bsc-1218926.patch]
  [- 0007-Fix-ifstatus-exit-code-for-NI_WICKED_ST_NO_CARRIER-s.patch]
  [- 0006-dhcp6-omit-the-SO_REUSEPORT-option-bsc-1215692.patch]
  [- 0005-duid-fix-comment-for-v6time.patch]
  [- 0004-rtnl-parse-peer-address-on-non-ptp-interfaces.patch]
  [- 0003-rtnl-pass-ifname-in-newaddr-parsing-and-logging.patch]
  [- 0002-system-updater-Parse-updater-format-from-XML-configu.patch]
  [- 0001-fix_arp_notify_loop_and_burst_sending.patch]

- ifreload: VLAN changes require device deletion (bsc#1218927)
  [+ 0009-ifreload-VLAN-changes-require-device-deletion-bsc-12.patch]
- ifcheck: fix config changed check (bsc#1218926)
  [+ 0008-ifcheck-fix-config-changed-check-bsc-1218926.patch]
- client: fix exit code for no-carrier status (bsc#1219265)
  [+ 0007-Fix-ifstatus-exit-code-for-NI_WICKED_ST_NO_CARRIER-s.patch]
- dhcp6: omit the SO_REUSEPORT option (bsc#1215692)
  [+ 0006-dhcp6-omit-the-SO_REUSEPORT-option-bsc-1215692.patch]
- duid: fix comment for v6time
  [+ 0005-duid-fix-comment-for-v6time.patch]
- rtnl: fix peer address parsing for non ptp-interfaces
  [+ 0003-rtnl-pass-ifname-in-newaddr-parsing-and-logging.patch]
  [+ 0004-rtnl-parse-peer-address-on-non-ptp-interfaces.patch]
- system-updater: Parse updater format from XML configuration to
  ensure install calls can run.
  [+ 0002-system-updater-Parse-updater-format-from-XML-configu.patch]
- Update to Xen 4.16.6 security bug fix release (bsc#1027519)
  * No upstream changelog found in sources or webpage
- bsc#1221984 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46842: xen: x86 HVM hypercalls may
  trigger Xen bug check (XSA-454)
- bsc#1222302 - VUL-0: CVE-2024-31142: xen: x86: Incorrect logic
  for BTC/SRSO mitigations (XSA-455)
- bsc#1222453 - VUL-0: CVE-2024-2201: xen: x86: Native Branch
  History Injection (XSA-456)
- Dropped patches contained in new tarball

- bsc#1221332 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-28746: xen: x86: Register File Data
  Sampling (XSA-452)
- bsc#1221334 - VUL-0: CVE-2024-2193: xen: GhostRace: Speculative
  Race Conditions (XSA-453)

- bsc#1219885 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46841: xen: x86: shadow stack vs
  exceptions from emulation stubs (XSA-451)
- Guard secret attributes against leaking to the log (bsc#1221194)
- 4.4.60
- Reimplemented the hardcoded product mapping to support also the
  migration from SLE_HPC to SLES SP6+ (with the HPC module)
- 4.4.35

- Do not fail when the installation URL contains a space
- 4.4.34
- Set the new product mapping when upgrading SLE_HPC to SLES SP6+
  (with the HPC module), use the old product mapping when upgrading
  from SLE_HPC-SP3 to SLE_HPC-SP4 (bsc#1220567)
- 4.4.24
- Add a missing require in the auto client (bsc#1219422).
- 4.4.16
- Do not try to refresh repo metadata as non-root user
  Instead show refresh stats and hint how to update them.
- man: Explain how to protect orphaned packages by collecting
  them in a plaindir repo.
- packages: Add --autoinstalled and --userinstalled options to
  list them.
- Don't print 'reboot required' message if download-only or
  dry-run (fixes #529)
  Instead point out that a reboot would be required if the option
  was not used.
- Resepect zypper.conf option `showAlias` search commands
  Repository::asUserString (or Repository::label) respects the
  zypper.conf option, while name/alias return the property.
- version 1.14.71

- dup: New option --remove-orphaned to remove all orphaned
  packages in dup (bsc#1221525)
- version 1.14.70

- info,summary: Support VendorSupportOption flag
  VendorSupportSuperseded (jsc#OBS-301, jsc#PED-8014)
- BuildRequires:  libzypp-devel >= 17.32.0.
  API cleanup and changes for VendorSupportSuperseded.
- Show active dry-run/download-only at the commit propmpt.
- patch: Add --skip-not-applicable-patches option (closes #514)
- Fix printing detailed solver problem description.
  The problem description() is one rule out possibly many in
  completeProblemInfo() the solver has chosen to represent the
  problem. So either description or completeProblemInfo should be
  printed, but not both.
- Fix bash-completion to work with right adjusted numbers in the
  1st column too (closes #505)
- Set libzypp shutdown request signal on Ctrl+C (fixes #522)
- lr REPO: In the detailed view show all baseurls not just the
  first one (bsc#1218171)
- version 1.14.69