Convert Micro 5.5 recipes from Ignition+Afterburn to cloud-init, Azure agent, and Google guest agent.
Better support for rootless containers using podman. We want to make as easy as possible for our users to run containers. For rootless containers it is recommended to us cgroups v2. Set the kernel command line option for systemd to use cgroups v2.
Add libcontainers-sles-mounts package whcih provides the mount directives for the SCC credentials directories such that containers, primarily SLE BCI can access the repositories from the host.
Use kiwi-repart to grow root filesystem in SLE Micro 5.x (bsc#1224234).
Add packages cryptsetup and device-mapper to SLE Micro 5.3 and 5.4, required for growing root volume (bsc#1224234).
Add packages cryptsetup and device-mapper to SLE Micro 5.5, required by ignition update.
Use keytable 'us' instead of ''.
Re-add accidentally removed ignition specific kernel parameters to SLE Micro 5.x.
Remove scriptlets from SLE 15 for Azure that modify /etc/waagent.conf. Use Azure Linux Agent config packages in SLE 15.
Remove unused /var expansion setup code from fstab script.
This reverts commit 9cf985ac545376eeeb9740f710f52873Ad4ebbf06. Dropping the script also removes setting up overlay for /etc.
Adapt snapper initial setup code for changed templates path.
Remove scriptlet that sets up fstab for expanding /var (not required anymore since /var is a sub volume now).
Having var on a spare partition prevents the resizing of the other parts of the filesyztem as those parts will be in the middle of the partition table. Since we have an image size limit of 10GB in the Public Cloud using any space for var and not being able to resize other parts of the file system creates a size problem. Using a subvolum for var eliminates this problem.
Fall back to locally assigned link-local IP address in case DHCP fails. This helps work around the issue that in EC2, instances in IPv6-only subnet do not have access to IMDS IPv6 endpoints by default.
Use suseconnect-ng instead of SUSEConnect in 15 SP1+. Drop zypper-migration-plugin from 15 SP1+.
Do not set WICKED_DEBUG sysconfig variable in SLE Micro versions using NetworkManager.